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Space Careers

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European Launch Vehicle (ELV)

European Launch Vehicle (ELV) is an Italian company established by Avio and ASI (Italian Space Agency) in December 2000.

It was selected by ESA, the European Space Agency, to serve as prime contractor in the activities geared to the development of the European launcher, called Vega, and other small launchers with all associated technologies. The company is responsible for every aspect of system development, from the drafting of the specifications, through production, to its integration in the launch pad. Elv's primary tasks include managing and planning launcher design, development, qualification and production processes, by coordinating the activities of the subcontracts participating in the programme. Moreover, ELV coordinates and ensures the integration of the launcher in the lift-off facilities and participates with a team in the final stage of the launch.

At present (Nov. 2013) ELV is owned 70% by Avio SpA and 30% by ASI. Headquartered in Rome, it has an operational facility in Colleferro (Rome, Italy), where Avio has its main aerospace operations: one of the most dynamically innovative production centres, at the forefront of science and technology.

Additional Info

  • Country of Registration: Italy
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