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Drone Major Group

Bringing your ideas to life across a range of technology sectors

Drone Major Group serves to advise on a range of key technological sectors, advising on what is possible, where to acquire it, and how to integrate it safely and effectively.

In 2017, Drone Major Group launched a range of advisory services focussed around the rapidly growing drone industry.  Complimentary expertise across a range of key areas, supported by global networks of suppliers for each sector enables us to provide unparalleled support to enterprise businesses looking to adopt technology in these rapidly evolving sectors.

Drone Major Group eco-system comprises:

Drone Major Limited


The world’s first company to provide specialist advisory services to businesses looking to adopt drone technology across all environments (surface, underwater, air & space).  Advising on what is possible, where to buy it, how to implement it safely and effectively, and how to establish through-life maintenance systems.

Drone Major supports the drone industry in many ways, acting as a barometer for the drone industry, encouraging thought leadership and providing support to regulators through the development of initiatives such as the Drone Delivery Group and our investment in the development of standards through the British Standards Institution (BSI) and the International Organisation of Standards (ISO).

Innovation Major Limited

The home to our 'non-drone' advisory services designed to deliver the same world class model as Drone Major across key complimentary areas.  

Our newest brand was created to provide our clients with advisory services for special projects such as the development of processes or products designed to reduce plastic waste, improve environmental footprints and assist in ecological and technological requirements.  


Additional Info

  • Country of Registration: United Kingdom
  • Media Contact:
  • Commercial Contact email:
  • Technical Contact email:
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