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NCTS (Non-Conformance Tracking System)

NCTS - Non-Conformance Tracking System NCTS - Non-Conformance Tracking System

NCTS is the only web-based (ECSS Standards compliant and ESA proven) application that supports the recording, evolution, reporting and reviewing of Non-Conformances (NC) raised against components of a system, which can be structured in a product-tree like manner.

NCTS enables the collaborative performance of NRBs (Non Conformance Review Boards) and recording of minutes, dispositions and actions. The application allows users from organisations involved in system (design, production or operation) to create Non-Conformance Reports (NCRs) and explore different areas of the system based their permissions. Depending on the user's access level, NCTS determines to which section(s) of a product tree this user has access and whether s/he can view or create NCRs (or initiate NRBs). The tool allows the user to enter all the details about the Non-Conformance (and NRB) on-line, including supporting documentation and evidence such as minutes of meetings, images, videos etc.

NCTS has been the European Space Agency (ESA) tool of choice for managing Non-Conformances for nearly a decade. ESA small projects and flagship missions alike, use and benefit from the NCTS application, often inviting their industrial partners to use the NCTS system collaboratively. Several prime contractors and SMEs, have also adopted NCTS, improving their ability to manage internal Non-Conformances as well as those of their suppliers.

Core Features

  • ECSS Compliance
  • Reporting Capability
  • Non-Conformance Review Board
  • Web-Based
  • Product Tree Based
  • Non-Conformance Reporting
  • Non-Conformance Management
  • Video, Images and Doc Attachments
  • Collaborative
  • ESA proven

Additional Info

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