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Thursday, 22 June 2017 09:21

Sapienza Consulting Wins a Competitive Frame Contract for Industrial Support to ESA Directorates (2017-2022)

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Sapienza Consulting ltd, a company of the Sapienza Consulting (Holding BV) Group has today signed a competitive frame contract for Industrial Support to ESA Directorates, to provide Manpower Support and Services covering seventeen Domains of competence, including:
• Business Management, Controlling & Administration
• Engineering Support to the Directorate of Earth Observation
• Scientific Support to the Directorate of Earth Observation
• Engineering Support to the Directorate of Human Spaceflight and Robotic Exploration
• Engineering Support to the Directorate of Telecommunications and Integrated Applications
• Technical and Logistic Support to the Directorate of Galileo Programme and Navigation
• Engineering and Scientific support to Future Mission and Office of Prodex
• Communication, Education and Marketing
• Facility Management
• IT Support
• Business Process and Cost
• Electromagnetics, Components, Data & Power Systems Engineering
• Environmental Testing & Mechanical AIV
• PA Engineering
• Payload Technologies
• Structures, Materials, Mechanisms and Thermal
• Software and Control Systems Engineering

The three year frame contract awarded, with an optional extension of a further one plus one year, enables Sapienza and its consortium members to secure in excess of 100 FTEs per year, and provides a platform for Sapienza and its partners to continue growing the business with ESA.

Andrea Bennetti, Group Commercial Director said:

“This is an outstanding result, which besides providing us with long term security, also offers a great potential for an up-side through the restricted competitive tenders to be issued over the coming five years. For this Frame contract we formed a strong consortium with competences across IT, Business, Finance and Space Engineering domains to support all ESA sites involved. We are very excited to continue our growth process as a company and to support it with investments resulting in new jobs and an expansion of our Dutch office in the SBIC (Space Business Incubation Centre). This will deliver a dedicated tech-office space for our growing Technical Innovation and Product team.

About Sapienza Consulting (Holding BV) group
The Sapienza Consulting Group is a leading provider of Space & Defence mission and project support through people, software and services. Since 1994, Sapienza has been a supplier to the European Space Agency, as well as the other key players of the European institutional and commercial space sector. The Group now consists of strategically located offices and subsidiaries in Germany, The Netherlands, Italy, The United Kingdom, Belgium and France.

For Media information contact:

Space Business Park
Kapteynstraat 1
2201 BB
The Netherlands

Ph: +31(0)71 407 6518
Fx: +31(0)71 407 6536


The European Space Research and Technology Centre in Noordwijk, the Netherlands, is the largest ESA establishment, a test centre and hub for European space activities. It has responsibility for the technical preparation and management of ESA space projects and provides technical support to ESA’s on-going satellite, space exploration and human space activities.

For Media information contact:
European Space Research & Technology Centre
Keplerlaan 1
2200 AG
The Netherlands
Ph: +31 (0)71 565 6565

Disclaimer: “The view expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Space Agency.”

Read 6884 times Last modified on Monday, 03 June 2019 08:41
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