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Wednesday, 18 February 2015 11:28

Sapienza Consulting Awarded Contract with QinetiQ Space NV

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Noordwijk, 11 February 2015Sapienza Consulting today announces it has been awarded a 3-year contract to supply the ECLIPSE suite to QinetiQ Space NV.

QinetiQ Space NV is the first industrial company in Belgium to use the ECLIPSE suite. QinetiQ Space NV will start with using two of the ECLIPSE suite modules namely eNCTS and AIM. The ECLIPSE software suite will enhance efficiency and improve communication and data collaboration between QinetiQ Space NV and its institutional and industrial partners.

Andrea Bennetti, (Group) Commercial Director of Sapienza Consulting said: "We are delighted to welcome on board our first Belgian customer. QinetiQ’s adoption follows an accelerating standardisation trend which now sees the ECLIPSE suite being used to various extents by the European Space Agency (ESA), OHB Systems, Airbus Space and Defence and Thales Alenia Space..“

Piet Rosiers, Corporate Product Assurance Manager of QinetiQ said: “When looking for a non-conformance tool we almost instantaneously turned to the Eclipse suite as it is fast becoming the de facto standard within the European Space Industry. Upon testing, we quickly learned that this tool is both extremely powerful as well as user-friendly. I'm therefore confident that we have made the right choice and truly believe that this tool will help us in achieving a higher efficiency.”

ECLIPSE Suite is a unique web-based, software platform designed for commercial Prime-Contractors, SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) and Governmental Space institutions alike. ECLIPSE suite empowers its users with a unique toolset supporting the management of

  • Product Assurance
  • Quality Assurance
  • Project Management
  • Configuration Management

activities in space projects and missions according to the requirements of ECSS Standards.

The eNCTS is one of the latest modules included into the ECLIPSE suite. eNCTS supports the recording, evolution, reporting and reviewing of Non-Conformances (NC) raised against components of a system. The information to be collected regarding the NC can be customised on a project level by the System Administrator. It is also possible to link related NCs to each other. The module allows users to manage Non-Conformance Review Boards (NRBs) or Non-Conformance Reports (NCRs) and controls user access to different areas of the system based on product tree access rights.

AIM is a web-based application that allows the creation, allocation, monitoring and tracking of Action Items (AIs) and their associated information across small and large project teams alike. Each Action Item (AI) can be allocated to an Actionee and multiple Contributors, who can access and contribute to the Action Item’s progress, completion and closure via the web, in accordance to security permissions. Each AI enables all those involved to collaborate via a thread-based discussion capability which enables additional information to be provided in the form of video, images or documentation attachments.

About Sapienza Consulting Ltd

Sapienza Consulting is a leading provider of software solutions, services and manpower to the institutional and commercial space industry. Sapienza has been a supplier to the European Space Agency since 1994. A team of software architects and developers, space engineering and consultancy experts deliver solutions from our offices in the UK, the Netherlands, Italy, France and Germany.

Follow us on LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/company/sapienza-consulting

For Media information contact:

Sapienza Consulting Ltd
Space Business Park
Kapteynstraat 1
2201 BB
The Netherlands

Ph: +31(0)71 407 6518 
Fx: +31(0)71 407 6536


About QinetiQ Space NV

QinetiQ Space Belgium has been the country’s leading space systems integrator for more than 40 years. We design, build, launch and operate complex space infrastructure and satellites. 

We are also a major contributor to the infrastructure of the International Space Station – developing and building the sophisticated instruments that allow scientists to: work in microgravity conditions; conduct medical, physical and biological research; create new materials, and carryout technological trials.

For Media information contact:

QinetiQ Space BV
Hogenakkerhoekstraat 9
Kruibeke 9150

Ph: 00 32 3 250 14 14
Fx: 00 32 3 253 14 64


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