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Space Careers

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CRISA (Computadoras, Redes e Ingeniería, S.A.) is a Spanish company founded in 1985 to design and manufacture electronic equipment and software for space applications: satellites, launchers, orbital infrastructure and space transportation vehicles. In 2000, CRISA became part of the EADS Astrium group.

CRISA, employs (in 2013) more than 390 people. The company has played a relevant role in several ESA's scientific and Earth observation missions, developing payload processors and hardware and software controllers: data processing units, control units, power conditioning and distribution units, ground segment and test bench equipment.

All of these developments play a vital role in monitoring the Earth's environmental conditions, the observation of natural events, as well as the scientific research of the Universe, the Moon, comets and planets. Some of the main programs that carry this equipment onboard include the Meteosat Second Generation, MetOp, Rosetta, Mars and Venus Express, Herschel, Planck, GOCE, ATV vehicles, NASA's Mars rover Curiosity or Ariane 5 and Vega launchers. Presently, more than 25 projects are being undertaken for future upcoming missions like Ingenio, Paz, LISA Pathfinder, Gaia, Sentinel-2&3, BepiColombo, EathCARE, Solar Orbiter or Metosat Third Generation among others.

CRISA is also very active in telecommunication satellites developing various electronic units for communications satellite platform like Eurostar E3000, AlphaBus and SmallGEO.

Additional Info

  • Country of Registration: Spain
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