Copernical Team
Nicolas Bobrinsky on excellence | ESA Masterclass

The level of practical expertise, technical and operational expertise required to operate in such a fast-paced, rapidly changing environment such as space needs to be permanently developed and improved to maintain the technical excellence at the right level. But the constant improvement of the technical and operational knowledge is an exciting journey. Nicolas has experienced this first-hand since he joined the European Space Agency Operation Centre as Ground Station Engineer. As a young engineer at ESA, you can gain extremely valuable expertise through launch campaigns, test and validation campaigns, time at the console in the operation control room together with your team, witnessing and learning from the whole
Has Gaia found missing link in black hole evolution?

When ESA’s Gaia spacecraft scanned the Scorpius constellation and its ancient globular star cluster Messier 4, it captured something strange: a huge dark blob at the cluster’s centre, 800 times more massive than our Sun.
It is normal for globular clusters to have dark centres made up of many dead stars. But the mass at the centre of Messier 4 looks different – despite being especially large, it seems to be squeezed into a surprisingly small volume of space.
“Using the latest Gaia and Hubble data, it was not possible to distinguish between a dark population of stellar remnants and a
Relay system speeds vital data flow with 75 000 links

Life-saving data that enables European governments to respond rapidly to crises is flowing swiftly from space to Earth, thanks to the most sophisticated space-based laser communication network ever built.
OneWeb and Eutelsat demonstrate global connectivity solution to NATO

China launches rocket with record payload

SES delivers satellite connectivity to AWS Modular Data Center for DoD

SAIC to supply SDA with Space Battle Management Command and Control Solution

Mitsui OSK goes live with Marlink smart hybrid network solution

Stanford University sends semiconductor investigation to ISS