Andrea Magyar
Sapienza Consulting Wins a Competitive Frame Contract for Industrial Support to ESA Directorates (2017-2022)
Sapienza Consulting ltd, a company of the Sapienza Consulting (Holding BV) Group has today signed a competitive frame contract for Industrial Support to ESA Directorates, to provide Manpower Support and Services covering seventeen Domains of competence, including:
• Business Management, Controlling & Administration
• Engineering Support to the Directorate of Earth Observation
• Scientific Support to the Directorate of Earth Observation
• Engineering Support to the Directorate of Human Spaceflight and Robotic Exploration
• Engineering Support to the Directorate of Telecommunications and Integrated Applications
• Technical and Logistic Support to the Directorate of Galileo Programme and Navigation
• Engineering and Scientific support to Future Mission and Office of Prodex
• Communication, Education and Marketing
• Facility Management
• IT Support
• Business Process and Cost
• Electromagnetics, Components, Data & Power Systems Engineering
• Environmental Testing & Mechanical AIV
• PA Engineering
• Payload Technologies
• Structures, Materials, Mechanisms and Thermal
• Software and Control Systems Engineering
The three year frame contract awarded, with an optional extension of a further one plus one year, enables Sapienza and its consortium members to secure in excess of 100 FTEs per year, and provides a platform for Sapienza and its partners to continue growing the business with ESA.
Andrea Bennetti, Group Commercial Director said:
“This is an outstanding result, which besides providing us with long term security, also offers a great potential for an up-side through the restricted competitive tenders to be issued over the coming five years. For this Frame contract we formed a strong consortium with competences across IT, Business, Finance and Space Engineering domains to support all ESA sites involved. We are very excited to continue our growth process as a company and to support it with investments resulting in new jobs and an expansion of our Dutch office in the SBIC (Space Business Incubation Centre). This will deliver a dedicated tech-office space for our growing Technical Innovation and Product team.
About Sapienza Consulting (Holding BV) group
The Sapienza Consulting Group is a leading provider of Space & Defence mission and project support through people, software and services. Since 1994, Sapienza has been a supplier to the European Space Agency, as well as the other key players of the European institutional and commercial space sector. The Group now consists of strategically located offices and subsidiaries in Germany, The Netherlands, Italy, The United Kingdom, Belgium and France.
For Media information contact:
Space Business Park
Kapteynstraat 1
2201 BB
The Netherlands
Ph: +31(0)71 407 6518
Fx: +31(0)71 407 6536
The European Space Research and Technology Centre in Noordwijk, the Netherlands, is the largest ESA establishment, a test centre and hub for European space activities. It has responsibility for the technical preparation and management of ESA space projects and provides technical support to ESA’s on-going satellite, space exploration and human space activities.
For Media information contact:
European Space Research & Technology Centre
Keplerlaan 1
2200 AG
The Netherlands
Ph: +31 (0)71 565 6565
Disclaimer: “The view expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Space Agency.”
Sapienza Consulting Awarded Three-Year Contract by RAL Space
Sapienza Consulting today announces it has been awarded a three-year contract to supply the ECLIPSE software suite and professional services to RAL Space, which is an integral part of the Science and Technology Facilities Council's (STFC) Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL).
RAL Space joins the growing list of successful European SMEs that benefit from adopting modules of the ECLIPSE suite in their space projects management processes.
In particular, RAL Space will take advantage of the Document Configuration & Change Management (DCCM), the Non-Conformance Tracking System (eNCTS) and Action Items Manager (AIM) modules.
Mike Bearman, Managing Director at Sapienza Consulting said: “We are proud to welcome on board RAL Space. Not only is RAL Space our first UK based client but their procurement of the ECLIPSE suite follows an increasing adoption of our ECSS-compliant toolset. We see this as a great step forward for Sapienza into a growing UK space sector, and an opportunity to open further doors to the UK (aero)-space and defence sector through the expected industry usage of the magnificent RAL facilities.”
ECLIPSE is the only collaborative suite of integrated applications designed with the invaluable experience of space industry professionals for use by European space sector organisations ranging from Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) all the way to International Agencies.
The ECLIPSE software suite helps space project and mission teams achieve higher efficiency, better control and compliance to ECSS (European Collaboration for Space Standardization) in key project and business areas such as:
- Project Management (PM)
- Product Assurance (PA)
- Configuration Management (CM)
- Quality Assurance (QA).
The DCCM module fulfils all the document configuration requirements of a space project. Each integrated function is tailored specifically for the space industry’s needs and best practices. Furthermore, it supports the document’s entire evolution (i.e. creation, modification, evolution and distribution) throughout the document lifecycle.
eNCTS is the only commercially available ECSS-compliant software that enables recording, monitoring and closure of Non-Conformances (NCs) found during the design, manufacture, assembly, integration and testing phases of space system engineering projects. The Non-Conformance Tracking System (eNCTS) tool removes the need of managing NCs (and all associated information) via time-consuming, error-prone, paper-oriented processes. eNCTS provides Quality and space Product Assurance functions with improved visibility into the status of NCs, as well as a structured approach to collecting and managing critical data associated with the NC resolution and product realisation process.
AIM allows the creation, allocation, monitoring and tracking of Action Items (AIs) and their associated information across small and large project teams alike. Each Action Item can be allocated to an Actionee and multiple Contributors, who can access and contribute to the Action Item’s progress, completion and closure via the web, in accordance with security permissions. Each AI enables all those involved to collaborate via a thread-based discussion capability, which permits additional information to be provided in the form of video, images or document attachments.
About Sapienza Consulting Group
The Sapienza Consulting Group is a leading provider of space mission and project support through people, software and services. Since 1994, Sapienza has been a supplier to the European Space Agency, as well as the other key players of the European institutional and commercial space sector. The Group now consists of strategically located offices in Germany, The Netherlands, Italy, The United Kingdom, Belgium and France.
For Media information contact:
Sapienza Consulting Group
Space Business Park
Kapteynstraat 1
2201 BB
The Netherlands
Ph: +31(0)71 407 6518
Fx: +31(0)71 407 6536
Sapienza’s ECLIPSE Suite becomes a supplier on the UK Government’s Digital Marketplace for G Cloud 9
Sapienza Consulting (LTD) has announced today that the company has become a supplier of the UK Government Digital Service through the G-Cloud 9 framework. As of 22nd May 2017, Sapienza will be able to supply its ECLIPSE SaaS to the government and wider public sector buyers through the UK Digital Marketplace.
On the Digital Marketplace, Sapienza will be selling modules of its ECLIPSE suite (DCCM, eRISK, eNCTS, DAB, DASH) as Cloud Software services.
This is a great opportunity for Sapienza as it widens our current growth outside the space sector with our leading Project Management suite (ECLIPSE). Through the ECLIPSE software suite, Sapienza believes it can help government officials to achieve higher efficiency and better control in the delivery of their digital projects and services by standardizing its Project Management, Product Assurance, Configuration Management, Quality Assurance, and Business Reporting approaches.
About Sapienza Consulting (Holding BV) Group
The Sapienza Consulting Group is a leading provider of Space & Defence mission and project support through people, software and services. Since 1994, Sapienza has been a supplier to the European Space Agency, as well as the other key players of the European institutional and commercial space sector. The Group now consists of strategically located offices and subsidiaries in Germany, The Netherlands, Italy, The United Kingdom, Belgium and France.
For Media information contact:
Space Business Park
Kapteynstraat 1
2201 BB
The Netherlands
Ph: +31(0)71 407 6518
Fx: +31(0)71 407 6536
About Digital Marketplace
The Digital Marketplace is part of the UK Government Digital Service. Public sector organisations can use the Digital Marketplace to find people and technology for digital projects. The Government Digital Service employs more than 500 staff throughout the UK.
For Media information contact:
New revolutionary way to recruit talents for the space industry in the Netherlands, UK and beyond
Manchester (UK), 1 June 2017 – Sapienza Consulting Holding BV, the holding company of the Sapienza Consulting Group and LIFT BV (one of its participating companies) announce at the UK Space 2017 Conference that they will extend the deployment of the revolutionary Lift app to cover the UK territory within the next few months.
LIFT is a start-up based in the Netherlands which is revolutionising the recruitment world with its talent matching mobile solution based on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and big data.
Already well established in providing talents to industry leaders in the space industry and to space agencies such as ESA and EUMETSAT, the acquisition of a share in Lift is a game changer in the way Sapienza can attract students and professionals from across sectors for its clients.
Andrea Bennetti, Commercial Director of Sapienza, says:
“The space sector, like many other high tech sectors, struggle to find and retain highly skilled personnel who will work on ground-breaking technologies and missions. Whilst the industry is generally recruiting within the existing space sector, LIFT provides the opportunity for employers and professionals to broaden their perspective, by matching an organisation’s Passion, Purpose and Potential with those of individuals at various stages in their career who would otherwise not necessarily think about a career path in the space sector.”
By matching Sapienza’s in-depth understanding of the space sector and the innovative solution provided by LIFT, Sapienza will provide a UK-dedicated networking platform that will bring more effective results in terms of recruitment and retention of talents within space companies.
About Sapienza Consulting (Holding BV) Group
The Sapienza Consulting Group is a leading provider of Space & Defence mission and project support through people, software and services. Since 1994, Sapienza has been a supplier to the European Space Agency, as well as the other key players of the European institutional and commercial space sector. The Group now consists of strategically located offices and subsidiaries in Germany, The Netherlands, Italy, The United Kingdom, Belgium and France.
For Media information contact:
Space Business Park
Kapteynstraat 1
2201 BB
The Netherlands
Ph: +31(0)71 407 6518
Fx: +31(0)71 407 6536
About LIFT
The easiest way to discover companies, vacancies and other career opportunities. Based on your passion, purpose and potential, Lift gives you personal career recommendations that match your profile.
How does it work?
By swiping cards with easy to answer questions, we get to know what you like and give you (career) recommendations. You'll discover companies and positions in your area that fit your interests.
Whether you're actively looking or quietly browsing, Lift is in the background to spot new positions for you. So when you're ready for the next step in your career, you can easily find the opportunities available. Download the app on www.liftapp.com.
For Media information contact:
Nicole van Haelst
Ph: +31 654980909
Sapienza Consulting Invests in Innovative Dutch AI and Big-data Start-up – LIFT BV
The Hague, 12 May 2017 – Sapienza Consulting Holding BV, the holding company of the Sapienza Consulting (Holding BV) Group today announces that it has entered into an agreement for the acquisition of a major stake in LIFT BV. LIFT is a Dutch start-up founded by Robbert Dijkstra and Nicole van Haelst and it has already received financial and other support from the municipality of The Hague, Leiden University, the International Community Platform (ICP) and The Hague University of Applied Sciences.
The company’s major innovative product, the LIFT app, is poised to transform the recruitment sector. Robbert Dijkstra, Founder, says:
“Lift is a revolutionary talent-matching solution based on Artificial Intelligence (AI). Lift invites students and professionals from all sectors to map out their personal drivers, values and competencies via a user-friendly and playful mobile app. As the app’s AI engine learns about candidates and opportunities (jobs, internships and apprenticeships) available online, it provides recommendations for career opportunities and supports development based on Passion, Purpose and Potential.”
As part of the deal, the Sapienza Group Commercial Director, Andrea Bennetti, will join the LIFT Board to help identify growth opportunities, as well as implement other potential market synergies that promote the LIFT team’s talents in AI and data science in the main sectors of Sapienza, i.e. Space and Defence. Andrea Bennetti says:
“We are excited to be partnering with LIFT, a truly innovative start-up that brings to the Sapienza group of companies new competences in software AI, Machine Learning and Big Data, while also fitting naturally with our core business area of Manpower, where we believe the LIFT app will be a game-changer. We are sure that our networks, customers and business partners will recognise the same potential that we have seen in the LIFT app and will adopt it without hesitation.”
About Sapienza Consulting (Holding BV) Group
The Sapienza Consulting Group is a leading provider of Space & Defence mission and project support through people, software and services. Since 1994, Sapienza has been a supplier to the European Space Agency as well as the other key players of the European institutional and commercial space sector. The Group now consists of strategically located offices and subsidiaries in Germany, The Netherlands, Italy, The United Kingdom, Belgium and France.
For Media information contact:
Space Business Park
Kapteynstraat 1
2201 BB
The Netherlands
Ph: +31(0)71 407 6518
Fx: +31(0)71 407 6536
About LIFT
The easiest way to discover companies, vacancies and other career opportunities. Based on your passion, purpose and potential, Lift gives you personal career recommendations that match your profile.
How does it work?
By swiping cards with easy to answer questions, we get to know what you like and give you (career) recommendations. You'll discover companies and positions in your area that fit your interests.
Whether you're actively looking or quietly browsing, Lift is in the background to spot new positions for you. So when you're ready for the next step in your career, you can easily find the opportunities available. Download the app on www.liftapp.com
For Media information contact:
Nicole van Haelst
Ph: +31 654980909
Sapienza Consulting Awarded 3 Years Contract by Septentrio NV
Sapienza Consulting Awarded 3 Years Contract by Septentrio NV
Noordwijk, 1 February 2016 – Sapienza Consulting today announces it has been awarded a 3-year contract to supply the ECLIPSE suite and its professional services to Septentrio NV.
Septentrio NV joins the growing list of successful European SMEs that benefit from adopting several modules of the ECLIPSE suite in their space projects management processes.
In particular Septentrio NV will take advantage of the Document Configuration & Change Management (DCCM), the Review Items of Discrepancy (eRID) and Action Items Manager (AIM) modules.
Andrea Bennetti, Group Commercial Director at Sapienza Consulting said: “We are proud to welcome on board Septentrio NV. This procurement of the ECLIPSE suite follows an accelerating standardisation trend which now sees the ECLIPSE suite being selected by a fast growing number of institutional and industrial space sector players. We are very glad to see this trend develop, and we hope it will help us fulfil our goal to bring further standardization to the space sector through our ECLIPSE Space project support software and services.”
ECLIPSE is the only collaborative suite of integrated applications designed with the invaluable experience of space industry professionals for use by European space sector organisations ranging from Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) all the way to International Agencies.
The ECLIPSE Suite helps space project and mission teams achieve higher efficiency, better control and compliance to ECSS standards in key project and business areas such as:
- Project Management (PM)
- Product Assurance (PA)
- Configuration Management (CM)
- Quality Assurance (QA).
The DCCM module fulfils all the document configuration requirements of a space project. All the integrated functions are tailored specifically for the space industry’s needs and best practises. Furthermore, it supports the document’s entire evolution (i.e. creation, modification, evolution and distribution) throughout its lifecycle.
eRID supports space project and mission teams through the preparation, set-up, management and control of formal project and mission reviews. The eRID application provides the means for project review participants to access deliverable data packs, contractual or technical baselines as well as requirements documentation via the web. eRID supports the complete work flow of the approval and review process, and the assignment and lifecycle management of actions and eventual closure of RIDs in accordance with the ECCS standards.
AIM is a web-based application that allows the creation, allocation, monitoring and tracking of Action Items (AIs) and their associated information across small and large project teams alike. Each Action Item can be allocated to an Actionee and multiple Contributors, who can access and contribute to the Action Item’s progress, completion and closure via the web, in accordance to security permissions. Each AI enables all those involved to collaborate via a thread-based discussion capability which enables additional information to be provided in the form of video, images or documentation attachments.
About Sapienza Consulting Group
The Sapienza Consulting Group is a leading provider of space mission and project support through people, software and services. Since 1994 Sapienza has been a supplier to the European Space Agency as well as the other key players of the European institutional and commercial space sector. The Group now consists of strategically located offices in Germany, The Netherlands, Italy, The United Kingdom, Belgium and France.
For Media information contact:
Sapienza Consulting Group
Space Business Park
Kapteynstraat 1
2201 BB
The Netherlands
Ph: +31(0)71 407 6518
Fx: +31(0)71 407 6536
About Septentrio NV
Septentrio designs, manufactures and sells highly accurate GPS/GNSS receivers, for demanding applications requiring accuracies in the decimeter or centimeter range, even under difficult conditions. Whether it’s on the high sea, in scintillation prone areas or at high latitudes, our customers know that Septentrio receivers deliver fast, accurate and reliable positions. In urban canyons, under canopies or even under circumstances where there is deliberate interference, our receivers make our customers excel.
For Media information contact:
Septentrio NV
Greenhill Campus
Interleuvenlaan 15G
3001 Leuven, Belgium
Ph: +32 16 30 08 00
Sapienza Consulting Wins Contract with Compagnia Generale per lo Spazio (CGS SpA)
Noordwijk, 26 January – Sapienza Consulting today announces it has been awarded a 3-year contract to supply the ECLIPSE suite and related services to Compagnia Generale per lo Spazio (CGS SpA), an OHB group company.
CGS SpA is the first Italian company to take advantage of the ECLIPSE suite. CGS has selected to use the ECLIPSE suite Non-Conformance Tracking System (eNCTS) and the Action Items Management (AIM) modules. CGS joins the rest of the OHB group companies in the use of the ECLIPSE software suite to enhance their internal efficiency and improve collaboration between their space projects team members and stakeholders.
Andrea Bennetti, Group Commercial Director of Sapienza Consulting said: “We welcome CGS SpA as the latest adopter of the ECLIPSE suite and our first commercial client in Italy. CGS has a long standing heritage in working on space projects both nationally and internationally and we hope they will become an advocate of the ECLIPSE suite to a very active and rich of heritage Italian space sector.“
Paolo Lorenzi, CTO, Quality and Business Processes at CGS SpA said: “When researching for tools to manage our Non-Conformances, we approached Sapienza to assess their ECLIPSE software suite. From the initial demonstration, and after further testing, we quickly realised that obtaining this toolset designed by Sapienza would be a wise choice. Sapienza’s heritage and experience in working with ESA and the wider European space industry over the last 20 years shone through and gave us confidence in our selection choice.”
ECLIPSE is the only collaborative suite of integrated applications designed with the invaluable experience of space industry professionals for use by European space sector organisations ranging from Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) all the way to International Agencies.
The ECLIPSE Suite helps space project and mission teams achieve higher efficiency, better control and compliance to ECSS standards in key project and business areas such as:
- Project Management (PM)
- Product Assurance (PA)
- Configuration Management (CM)
- Quality Assurance (QA).
The eNCTS is one of the latest modules included into the ECLIPSE suite. eNCTS supports the recording, evolution, reporting and reviewing of Non-Conformances (NC) raised against components of a system. The information to be collected regarding the NC can be customised on a project level by the System Administrator. It is also possible to link related NCs to each other. The module allows users to manage Non-Conformance Review Boards (NRBs) or Non-Conformance Reports (NCRs) and controls user access to different areas of the system based on product tree access rights.
AIM is a web-based application that allows the creation, allocation, monitoring and tracking of Action Items and their associated information across small and large project teams alike. Each Action Item can be allocated to an Actionee and multiple Contributors, who can access and contribute to the Action Item’s progress, completion and closure via the web, in accordance to security permissions. Each AI enables all those involved to collaborate via a thread-based discussion capability which enables additional information to be provided in the form of video, images or documentation attachments.
About Sapienza Consulting Group
The Sapienza Consulting Group is a leading provider of space mission and project support through people, software and services. Since 1994 Sapienza has been a supplier to the European Space Agency as well as the other key players of the European institutional and commercial space sector. The Group now consists of strategically located offices in Germany, The Netherlands, Italy, The United Kingdom, Belgium and France.
For Media information contact:
Sapienza Consulting Group
Space Business Park
Kapteynstraat 1
2201 BB
The Netherlands
Ph: +31(0)71 407 6518
Fx: +31(0)71 407 6536
About CGS SpA
CGS is a reliable supplier of turn-key systems, products and technologies for space programs. CGS SpA provides the user community with solutions to lower the cost of first class science and application missions by:
- Exploiting the full potential of small and medium size satellites.
- Exploiting new orbital and transportation systems.
- Exploiting advanced technologies that are turned into high performance products for space applications.
For Media information contact:
CGS S.p.A. – An OHB Company
Via Gallarate, 150
20151 Milano (MI) – ITALY
Ph: +39 02 380 481
Fx: +39 02 3086458
Sapienza Consulting Awarded Contract with QinetiQ Space NV
Noordwijk, 11 February 2015 – Sapienza Consulting today announces it has been awarded a 3-year contract to supply the ECLIPSE suite to QinetiQ Space NV.
QinetiQ Space NV is the first industrial company in Belgium to use the ECLIPSE suite. QinetiQ Space NV will start with using two of the ECLIPSE suite modules namely eNCTS and AIM. The ECLIPSE software suite will enhance efficiency and improve communication and data collaboration between QinetiQ Space NV and its institutional and industrial partners.
Andrea Bennetti, (Group) Commercial Director of Sapienza Consulting said: "We are delighted to welcome on board our first Belgian customer. QinetiQ’s adoption follows an accelerating standardisation trend which now sees the ECLIPSE suite being used to various extents by the European Space Agency (ESA), OHB Systems, Airbus Space and Defence and Thales Alenia Space..“
Piet Rosiers, Corporate Product Assurance Manager of QinetiQ said: “When looking for a non-conformance tool we almost instantaneously turned to the Eclipse suite as it is fast becoming the de facto standard within the European Space Industry. Upon testing, we quickly learned that this tool is both extremely powerful as well as user-friendly. I'm therefore confident that we have made the right choice and truly believe that this tool will help us in achieving a higher efficiency.”
ECLIPSE Suite is a unique web-based, software platform designed for commercial Prime-Contractors, SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) and Governmental Space institutions alike. ECLIPSE suite empowers its users with a unique toolset supporting the management of
- Product Assurance
- Quality Assurance
- Project Management
- Configuration Management
activities in space projects and missions according to the requirements of ECSS Standards.
The eNCTS is one of the latest modules included into the ECLIPSE suite. eNCTS supports the recording, evolution, reporting and reviewing of Non-Conformances (NC) raised against components of a system. The information to be collected regarding the NC can be customised on a project level by the System Administrator. It is also possible to link related NCs to each other. The module allows users to manage Non-Conformance Review Boards (NRBs) or Non-Conformance Reports (NCRs) and controls user access to different areas of the system based on product tree access rights.
AIM is a web-based application that allows the creation, allocation, monitoring and tracking of Action Items (AIs) and their associated information across small and large project teams alike. Each Action Item (AI) can be allocated to an Actionee and multiple Contributors, who can access and contribute to the Action Item’s progress, completion and closure via the web, in accordance to security permissions. Each AI enables all those involved to collaborate via a thread-based discussion capability which enables additional information to be provided in the form of video, images or documentation attachments.
About Sapienza Consulting Ltd
Sapienza Consulting is a leading provider of software solutions, services and manpower to the institutional and commercial space industry. Sapienza has been a supplier to the European Space Agency since 1994. A team of software architects and developers, space engineering and consultancy experts deliver solutions from our offices in the UK, the Netherlands, Italy, France and Germany.
Follow us on LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/company/sapienza-consulting
For Media information contact:
Sapienza Consulting Ltd
Space Business Park
Kapteynstraat 1
2201 BB
The Netherlands
Ph: +31(0)71 407 6518
Fx: +31(0)71 407 6536
About QinetiQ Space NV
QinetiQ Space Belgium has been the country’s leading space systems integrator for more than 40 years. We design, build, launch and operate complex space infrastructure and satellites.
We are also a major contributor to the infrastructure of the International Space Station – developing and building the sophisticated instruments that allow scientists to: work in microgravity conditions; conduct medical, physical and biological research; create new materials, and carryout technological trials.
For Media information contact:
QinetiQ Space BV
Hogenakkerhoekstraat 9
Kruibeke 9150
Ph: 00 32 3 250 14 14
Fx: 00 32 3 253 14 64
Sapienza Consulting awarded a Contract for the “Provision of POLARIS (ECLIPSE-PRISMA) ESA Corporate Services”
Noordwijk, November 5th 2014 – Sapienza Consulting Ltd, a company of the Sapienza Consulting (Holding BV) Group is pleased to announce that today inked an agreement with the European Space Agency (ESA) to provide (Corporate) consolidated management services for ECLIPSE and PRISMA applications. The service will be available from any ESA location, however, Sapienza service operations’ staff will operate primarily from the ESA/ESTEC centre and Sapienza own offices across Europe.
The three-year contract awarded, (with an optional extension of a further two), focuses on the provision of ECLIPSE-PRISMA corporate-level services to all ESA establishments worldwide. The contract is underpinned by an incorporated licensing agreement between ESA and Sapienza for the provision of an ECLIPSE corporate-license available to all ESA Directorates for the same duration of the contract.
As part of the contract, Sapienza and ESA will work together to standardise and improve the delivery of the services, to increase efficiencies, as well as promoting the transition from the heritage PRISMA software to the ECLIPSE software suite, where this meets the individual requirements of the Programmes and Corporate users’ base.
With this contract, Sapienza Consulting makes a substantial step forward in establishing itself as a leading European provider of Space Projects and Mission Support through its people, software and services.
Furthermore, the formalisation of the ECLIPSE suite as the corporate tool of choice for ESA, brings Sapienza a step closer to its declared ambition for the ECLIPSE suite to become the European Standard tool for supporting space project Document Management & Configuration Management, Product Assurance, Quality Assurance and Project Management activities throughout the space supply chain. In fact, this latest contract award comes after a series of industrial contracts resulting in the adoption of various ECLIPSE modules from Major Space sector actors such as Airbus Defence and Space, Thales Alenia Space and OHB System.
The ECLIPSE Suite is a unique web-based, software platform designed for commercial Prime-Contractors, SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) and Governmental Space institutions alike. ECLIPSE Suite empowers its users with a unique toolset supporting the management of:
- Product Assurance
- Quality Assurance
- Document & Configuration Management
- Configuration Management
- Project Management
activities in space projects and missions according to the requirements of ECSS Standards.
About Sapienza Consulting (Holding BV) group
The Sapienza Consulting Group is a leading provider of space mission and project support through people, software and services. Since 1994 Sapienza has been a supplier to the European Space Agency as well as the other key players of the European institutional and commercial space sector. The Group now consists of strategically located offices in Germany, The Netherlands, Italy,The United Kingdom and France.
Follow us on LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/company/sapienza-consulting
For Media information contact:
Sapienza Consulting Group
Space Business Park
Kapteynstraat 1
2201 BB
The Netherlands
Ph: +31(0)71 407 6518
Fx: +31(0)71 407 6536
The European Space Research and Technology Centre in Noordwijk, the Netherlands, is the largest ESA establishment, a test centre and hub for European space activities. It has responsibility for the technical preparation and management of ESA space projects and provides technical support to ESA’s on-going satellite, space exploration and human space activities.
For Media information contact:
European Space Research & Technology Centre
Keplerlaan 1
2200 AG
The Netherlands
Ph: +31 (0)71 565 6565
“The view expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Space Agency.”
Sapienza Consulting Wins a Competitive Frame Contract with ESA ESTEC
Noordwijk, April 15th 2014 – Sapienza Consulting Ltd, a company of the Sapienza Consulting (Holding BV) Group has signed a competitive frame contract for the provision of IT applications and Infrastructure Support services to ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands. Sapienza Consulting Ltd is member of a winning consortium led by SERCO Nederland BV.
The Frame contract awarded, with duration of three years and an optional extension of a further two, covers the provision of IT services to all ESA/ESTEC based directorates in the domains of:
- IT consultancy
- Bespoke Software development and maintenance
- Infrastructure maintenance and operations
- Website maintenance, operations and evolution
Andrea Bennetti, Commercial Director of Sapienza Consulting said: “This contract award is a testimony of the trust that ESA has placed in Sapienza for providing high quality services and people in an environment driven by high customer expectations for security, performance and cost effective solutions. It reinforces and complements our recent successes in providing similar services across the commercial European Space sector. We look forward to another Five Years of close collaboration with all of our ESTEC customers.”
About Sapienza Consulting (Holding BV) group
The Sapienza Consulting Group is a leading provider of space mission and project support through people, software and services. Since 1994 Sapienza has been a supplier to the European Space Agency as well as the other key players of the European institutional and commercial space sector. The Group now consists of strategically located offices in Germany, The Netherlands, Italy, The United Kingdom and France.
Follow us on LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/company/sapienza-consulting
For Media information contact:
Sapienza Consulting Group
Space Business Park
Kapteynstraat 1
2201 BB
The Netherlands
Ph: +31(0)71 407 6518
Fx: +31(0)71 407 6536
The European Space Research and Technology Centre in Noordwijk, the Netherlands, is the largest ESA establishment, a test centre and hub for European space activities. It has responsibility for the technical preparation and management of ESA space projects and provides technical support to ESA’s on-going satellite, space exploration and human space activities.
For Media information contact:
European Space Research & Technology Centre
Keplerlaan 1
2200 AG
The Netherlands
Ph: +31 (0)71 565 6565
About Serco Nederland BV
Serco is a global management and service company with over 35 years experience in the Space and Information Technology Business. Serco is one of the top 50 World Space Manufacturing and Service companies, and currently employs over 1500 specialist staff in Space related business across Europe, the Middle East and North America.
For Media information contact:
Serco Nederland BV
Space Business Park
Kapteynstraat 1
2201 BB
The Netherlands
Ph: +31(0)71 401 6070
Fx: +31(0)71 407 4014