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Copernical Team

Copernical Team

Boulder CO (SPX) Jun 09, 2023
Recently on Mars, Perseverance wrestled with sampling a crumbly rock and continued our boulder-bonanza! We've been exploring the Onahu outcrop for the past 3 weeks, having previously performed an abrasion named Ouzel Falls. We saw from this abrasion that the rock is most likely a conglomerate worth sampling, but was also likely to be crumbly. The team therefore elected to drive and r
Adelaide, Australia (SPX) Jun 09, 2023
Neumann Space, a technology leader of in-space electric propulsion today announced that it has signed a contract with Space Inventor, a leading European manufacturer of microsatellites that will enable it to gain greater access to space as part of its program of in-orbit demonstration (IOD). As part of the contract, Space Inventor will provide Neumann Space with the opportunity to integrat
Los Angeles CA (SPX) Jun 09, 2023
Space Systems Command (SSC) recently assigned 12 National Security Space Launch (NSSL) service missions under the NSSL Phase 2 Launch Service Procurement contract for Fiscal Year 2023. Six missions were awarded to Space Exploration Technologies Corp. (SpaceX) for the Space Development Agency (SDA) Tranche 1 Tracking Layer (T1TL)-B, SDA T1TL-C, SDA T1TL-D, SDA T1TL-E, SDA T1TR-C, and U.S. Space F
Carlsbad CA (SPX) Jun 08, 2023
Viasat Inc. (NASDAQ: VSAT), a global communications company, has announced it was selected by the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) Space Vehicles Directorate (RV) to provide on-orbit space relay connectivity for its ARBALEST program, which aims to support a future space-based demonstration of operational capabilities for the Department of Defense (DoD). The future AFRL mission will illustrat
Pasadena CA (JPL) Jun 09, 2023
This blog covers two planning shifts this week, June 7 and Friday, June 9, 2023, for a total of four sols of activities. Curiosity has been trying to work her way to the top of a canyon towards an interesting cluster of craters. Unfortunately the current terrain is extremely challenging, and the drives have been stopping short of their intended distance. After multiple attempts to get uphi
Greenbelt MD (SPX) Jun 08, 2023
Early data shows the greatest net gain of water over the winter in nearly 22 years, but the state's groundwater levels still suffer from the effects of years of drought. After years of intense drought and diminishing groundwater, California just saw its greatest year-over-year water gains in two decades, according to data from the GRACE-FO (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment Follow-On
Beijing (XNA) Jun 09, 2023
During a recent space launch, China tested a parachute system that can help guide fallen rocket boosters into targeted areas, the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology said on Friday. The system was used on a Long March-3B rocket carrying a BeiDou navigation satellite into orbit on May 17 from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in Sichuan Province, according to the academy. Dev
Coventry UK (SPX) Jun 09, 2023
Researchers are working on sustainable technology to harvest solar power in space - which could supplement life support systems on the Moon and Mars. In a study published in Nature Communications, scientists assess a new technique which could convert renewable, green energy from outside the Earth's atmosphere. They are taking advantage of photosynthesis - the chemical process plants underg
Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain

Researchers are working on sustainable technology to harvest solar power in space—which could supplement life support systems on the moon and Mars.

In a study published in Nature Communications, scientists assess a new technique which could convert renewable, from outside the Earth's atmosphere. They are taking advantage of photosynthesis—the chemical process plants undergo every day to create energy—to help the become more sustainable.

The research led by the University of Warwick evaluates the use of a special device known as semiconductor to absorb sunlight on moon and Mars. It is hoped that the devices could promote Martian life support systems.

These "artificial photosynthesis devices" undergo the same processes which keeps plants alive on Earth—they convert water into oxygen using only sunlight while recycling carbon dioxide. These integrated systems have the advantage of directly using and could save on weight on long-term space travels in comparison to traditional systems currently in use on the International Space Station—making space travel more efficient.

There is a need for efficient and reliable energy sources in space to enable the exploration of our solar system.

Beijing (XNA) Jun 09, 2023
China is working on a rocket for its moon landing mission, which will send a manned spaceship and a lander to lunar orbit in two separate flights, chief designer of the country's manned space program Zhou Jianping revealed. The spaceship will send the taikonauts to lunar orbit and dock with the lunar lander. The lander will subsequently carry the taikonauts to the moon's surface. After the
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