CRS-29 mission flies research to the Space Station
Tuesday, 24 October 2023 01:27
Texas A and M joins multimillion-dollar moon orbit tracking project
Tuesday, 24 October 2023 01:27
UArizona researchers probe how a piece of the moon became a near-Earth asteroid
Tuesday, 24 October 2023 01:27
Mouse mummies point to mammalian life in "Mars-like" Andes
Tuesday, 24 October 2023 01:27
The Moon is 40 million years older than previously thought
Tuesday, 24 October 2023 01:27
Researchers capture first images of a radio 'ring of fire' solar eclipse
Tuesday, 24 October 2023 01:27
French Space Days India 2023 celebrates Indo-French collaboration
Tuesday, 24 October 2023 01:27
Fugro SpAARC's operations set to grow with new funding from Western Australian Govt
Tuesday, 24 October 2023 01:27
Space Force identifying priorities for modernizing spaceports
Monday, 23 October 2023 19:23

A Russian satellite has shifted within 60 km of another spacecraft
Monday, 23 October 2023 15:55
When it comes to saber-rattling, few countries employ it as much as Russia does. During their ongoing invasion and occupation of Ukraine, the country's leadership has repeatedly threatened to use atomic weapons. But the threats don't stop there.
A private company called Slingshot Aerospace says Russia has maneuvered one of their Luch satellites uncomfortably close to Western spacecraft in GEO (geostationary orbit.)
And it's not the first time.
The satellite in question is named Luch (Olymp) 2 and its Norad ID is 55841. Russia launched it in March of 2023, and it's a successor to Luch (Olymp) Norad ID 40258. The naming conventions are a little confusing, but Luch 1 was a well-known interloper.
Two groups look at the economic viability of mining asteroids
Monday, 23 October 2023 14:02
Two teams of economists have conducted economic assessments of mining asteroids—one of them is a trio with one member each from the University of Tor Rome Vergata, the University of Maryland and Middlebury College. They looked at asteroid mining as part of the next logical step in monetizing space exploration.
The second group, with three members from the Colorado School of Mines and a fourth with the International Monetary Fund, focused more on the challenges that would have to be surmounted for industry to capitalize on assets that are currently free for the taking on asteroids. Both groups have published papers describing their efforts in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Prior research has shown that there are valuable materials on asteroids. This includes diamonds and perhaps other gems, but the truly valuable materials are more likely to be metals that are highly valued but in short supply here on Earth, such as cobalt, nickel and platinum. Such metals have seen a rise in value in recent years as they have been used in a host of modern technology products such as batteries, solar panels and windmill parts.
European Flight Ticket Initiative now open to launch service providers
Monday, 23 October 2023 11:16
Today, the European Commission and the European Space Agency are calling on established and aspiring European launch service providers to apply to join the European Flight Ticket Initiative. The objective of the Flight Ticket initiative is to stimulate new European launch systems through open competition starting with In-orbit Demonstration and Validation (IOD/IOV) needs.
Framatome Space: A New Player in Space Exploration and Nuclear Power
Monday, 23 October 2023 09:53