Terran Orbital still waiting for milestone Rivada Space constellation payment
Friday, 27 October 2023 01:04

AFRL, Space Force to collaborate with Indian startups on space technologies
Thursday, 26 October 2023 19:04

How to prepare for a trip to space
Thursday, 26 October 2023 18:40
Aleksandra Stankovic is an aerospace psychologist and spaceflight biomedical researcher who studies how to optimize human performance and behavioral health in extreme operational environments. In this article, she describes how a person gets ready to travel to space.
The spaceflight environment presents many challenges—technical, physical, and psychological. With more people having access to space travel today than ever before, successful and safe spaceflights require varying levels of preparation before launch day.
For government astronauts, candidates undergo a rigorous two-year initial training period before qualifying for flight assignment. This training includes learning about Space Station and flight vehicle systems, studying orbital mechanics, becoming proficient in emergency procedures (like how to handle scenarios such as fire, cabin depressurization, or medical issues), conducting flight training in T-38 jets (to build quick decision-making skills in high-performance aircraft), and developing Russian language skills (since international space missions involve collaboration among astronauts from various countries).
To prepare for the microgravity environment of space, astronauts also participate in simulations of weightlessness, including parabolic flights and training in the Neutral Buoyancy Lab, a large swimming pool where astronauts practice conducting spacewalks and learn to perform tasks in their pressurized spacesuits.
New mapping tools will find subsurface water ice on Mars
Thursday, 26 October 2023 15:34
Refined mapping tools that identify subsurface water ice on Mars will help determine the best targets for robotic and human missions to the planet.
Space is getting crowded with satellites and space junk. How do we avoid collisions?
Thursday, 26 October 2023 13:57
Reports this week suggest a near-collision between an Australian satellite and a suspected Chinese military satellite.
Meanwhile, earlier this month, the US government issued the first ever space junk fine. The Federal Communications Commission handed a US$150,000 penalty to the DISH Network, a publicly traded company providing satellite TV services.
It came as a surprise to many in the space industry, as the fine didn't relate to any recent debris—it was issued for a communications satellite that has been in space for more than 21 years. It was EchoStar-7, which failed to meet the orbit requirements outlined in a previously agreed debris mitigation plan.
The EchoStar-7 fine might be a US first, but it probably won't be the last. We are entering an unprecedented era of space use and can expect the number of active satellites in space to increase by 700% by the end of the decade.
As our local space gets more crowded, keeping an eye on tens of thousands of satellites and bits of space junk will only become more important.
Tesat optical terminals selected for Lockheed Martin satellites pass ground tests
Thursday, 26 October 2023 13:52

Atmospheric Waves Experiment launching to space station to study atmospheric waves via airglow
Thursday, 26 October 2023 11:39
NASA's Atmospheric Waves Experiment, or AWE, mission is scheduled to launch to the International Space Station in November 2023, where it will make use of a natural, ethereal glow in Earth's sky to study waves in our planet's atmosphere.
Built by Utah State University's Space Dynamics Laboratory in North Logan, Utah, AWE will be mounted on the exterior of the space station.
New technologies for the future of European space
Thursday, 26 October 2023 11:30
What do bacteria-based food production, avalanche monitoring and the mapping of Venus have in common? They can all be found among the topics of the 47 research and development activities funded by ESA's Discovery & Preparation programme between January and June 2023.
NASA improves GIANT optical navigation technology for future missions
Thursday, 26 October 2023 11:29
Rocket Lab receives FAA authorization to resume launches
Thursday, 26 October 2023 11:29
NASA's First Two-way End-to-End Laser Communications System
Thursday, 26 October 2023 11:29
UK and Axiom sign agreement on plans for historic human spaceflight mission
Thursday, 26 October 2023 11:29
How could a piece of the Moon become a Near-Earth asteroid
Thursday, 26 October 2023 11:29
Mystery of the Martian core solved
Thursday, 26 October 2023 11:29