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Sydney, Australia (SPX) Nov 09, 2023
The Mars InSight mission, since its inception, has shed light on the seismic vibrancy of the Red Planet. The mission's deployment of a seismic station has led to the recording of 98 low-frequency seismic events. Despite the challenges posed by the singular nature of the data collection point and the often ambiguous seismic signals, a significant stride in martian seismology has been made, pinpoi
Cedar Park CA (SPX) Nov 09, 2023
Firefly Aerospace, Inc., a key player in the space transportation sector, has struck a new deal with Fleet Space Technologies to deploy an Australian-developed seismic research payload to the Moon's far side. This mission, slated for 2026, will feature Fleet's Seismic Payload for Interplanetary Discovery, Exploration, and Research (SPIDER) aboard Firefly's Blue Ghost lander. This collabora
Greenbelt MD (SPX) Nov 09, 2023
Scientists using NASA's James Webb Space Telescope just made a breakthrough discovery in revealing how planets are made. By observing water vapor in protoplanetary disks, Webb confirmed a physical process involving the drifting of ice-coated solids from the outer regions of the disk into the rocky-planet zone. Theories have long proposed that icy pebbles forming in the cold, outer regions
Mountain View CA (SPX) Nov 09, 2023
The SETI Institute, a non-profit scientific research organization, has announced a philanthropic gift of $200m from the estate of Franklin Antonio, a visionary supporter and catalyst of the work of the SETI Institute for more than 12 years. Co-founder of communications chip company, Qualcomm, Antonio passed away on May 13, 2022, leaving behind an extraordinary legacy to enable breakthrough scien
Los Angeles CA (SPX) Nov 09, 2023
Keysight Technologies, Inc. (NYSE: KEYS), a prominent player in the field of testing and measurement equipment, has marked a significant milestone by validating the first protocol conformance test case for the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) Release 17 (Rel-17) standards, specifically focusing on non-terrestrial networks (NTNs) using narrowband Internet of Things (NB-IoT) technology. T
Paris (ESA) Nov 09, 2023
The space science community has narrowed down the shortlist for ESA's next 'medium' mission to three finalists: M-Matisse, Plasma Observatory and Theseus. Following further study, one will be selected for implementation as the newest addition to ESA's space science mission fleet. Medium (or 'M-class') missions are a key component of ESA's Science Programme that enable Europe to answer impo

How to make asteroid landings safer

Wednesday, 08 November 2023 18:40
How to make asteroid landings safer
Artist’s depiction of the OSIRIS-Rex sample return mission barely touching Bennu, the asteroid is successfully sampled. Credit: NASA Goddard

Landing safely on an asteroid is no mean feat. Despite several recent successes, there have also been notable failures—most famously, the Philae lander to 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Admittedly, that was an attempt to land on a comet rather than an asteroid, but those two bodies share many of the same landing hazards.

One of the most prevalent problems is "inhomogenous" gravity. Offering a solution, researchers from the Harbin Institute of Technology in China recently published a paper in Aerospace Science and Technology detailing a framework for performing "soft landings" on asteroids, which might help make exploring these rocky worlds much more accessible.

First, it would be helpful to understand the difference between a "hard" on an asteroid and a "soft" landing. A hard landing consists of the spacecraft, either in a controlled or uncontrolled descent, landing with some force on the asteroid's surface.

Boom in space tourism threatens to boost the amounts of space junk and climate emissions
Credit: NASA, CC BY

Commercial companies are increasingly becoming involved in transporting astronauts to the International Space Station (ISS), as well as other activities in orbit. Some, such as Houston-based Axiom Space, eventually want to build their own space stations in orbit, where commercial astronauts could make extended stays.

This could also provide more money and opportunities for science to be carried out in low Earth orbit. But it also raises a host of safety concerns, because it will add to the already troublesome issue of junk. There are also implications for the environment, because rockets produce greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change.

Axiom, which was founded in 2016, was the first company to conduct privately funded missions to the ISS. Under Axiom's Space Access Program, it has been offering different countries the opportunity to design customized missions to orbit aboard SpaceX's Crew Dragon spacecraft. As such, it recently signed an agreement with the UK Space Agency for an all-UK astronaut mission to the ISS.

Over the past six years, governments proposed launching over 1 million satellites, but where will they all go?
Starlink satellites passing over New Mexico. Credit: NOIRLab/M. Lewinsky, CC BY

In September 2021, Rwanda announced that it was planning to launch over 300,000 satellites. Three months later, a Canadian company, having previously launched two dozen CubeSats, said it would launch an additional 100,000. Then, a French company did likewise. And SpaceX, which has already launched around 5,000 satellites, now has plans for over 60,000 more.

There are currently only about 8,000 active satellites in orbit. What's going on?

Before a is launched, a nation state must file its proposed with the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) to coordinate radiofrequency spectrum on behalf of the satellite operator, which could be a company, university or .

These filings are made years ahead of the , so the ITU can oversee coordination between different satellite operators and ensure that new satellite signals don't drown existing ones out.

Image: Earth through a 2-mm lens

Wednesday, 08 November 2023 16:57
Image: Earth through a 2-mm lens
Credit: University of Maribor

A distant, partly shadowed Earth, as viewed from a 6,000-km-altitude orbit. This unusual image was acquired using an extremely miniaturized camera about the size of the edge of a 20 cent coin—a miniscule technology experiment aboard ESA's shoebox-sized TRISAT-R CubeSat.

TRISAT-R project manager Iztok Kramberger of the University of Maribor explains: "This measuring less than two cubic millimeters in size took a picture of an object measuring approximately one trillion cubic kilometers—our beautiful planet Earth—from thousands of kilometers away."

A CubeSat made from three standardized 10-cm boxes, TRISAT-R is Slovenia's second space mission, which flew on Europe's inaugural Vega-C launch last year to the relatively inhospitable environment of medium-Earth orbit, at 6000 km up. The mission's orbital path takes it right through the heart of the ionosphere—an electrically active layer of Earth's atmosphere—as well as the inner Van Allen radiation belt.

This allows TRISAT-R to test a suite of radiation-detection payloads. In addition, the TRISAT-R team embarked a pair of tiny cameras, with lenses made from clear borosilicate glass to provide limited radiation resistance, mounted directly onto 320x320 pixel image sensors.

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