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Pasadena CA (JPL) Jul 12, 2023
Earth Planning Date: Friday, July 7, 2023. Happy Friday, Earthlings! Few things are better than planning an action-packed weekend on Mars. It's even better when the last plan executed like a charm; our drive from Wednesday's plan made it over 44 meters and put us in veiny, layered bedrock heaven! We're still headed towards a local cluster of craters ~150 meters to the east, and my Mastcam brain
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Ottawa, Canada (SPX) Jul 12, 2023
Our universe could be twice as old as current estimates, according to a new study that challenges the dominant cosmological model and sheds new light on the so-called "impossible early galaxy problem." "Our newly-devised model stretches the galaxy formation time by a several billion years, making the universe 26.7 billion years old, and not 13.7 as previously estimated," says author Rajend
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Beijing, China (SPX) Jul 12, 2023
The mystery of the first galaxies of the universe is an indomitable urge of human beings. The formation of them is mastered by the nature of dark matter which is also one of the most important problems faced by fundamental physics. However, understanding the nature of dark matter-for example, whether it is cold or warm-and its subsequent effect on the first galaxy formation is a huge challenge.
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Baltimore MD (SPX) Jul 12, 2023
This video, a scientific visualization of the galaxies captured as a part of the CEERS (Cosmic Evolution Early Release Science) Survey, showcases a large undertaking by NASA's James Webb Space Telescope. It flies by thousands of galaxies, starting with those nearby and ending with less-developed galaxies in the very distant universe, including one never seen before Webb. The area highlight
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The latest U.S. military budget goes all-in on the notion that resilience will be a core feature of space programs.

The post U.S.

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Astranis has sold a small broadband satellite launching to geostationary orbit next year to a telco in the Philippines looking for support from the country’s government, the Californian manufacturer announced July 11.

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India’s flurry of technical and political space activities positions the state to become a preeminent space power.

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Garrett Reisman

Vast Space has brought in a former NASA astronaut and SpaceX official to serve as an adviser for its plans to develop commercial space stations.

Follow Euclid's first months in space

Tuesday, 11 July 2023 12:43
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Follow Euclid on its journey to Lagrange point L2 and find out how mission controllers at ESOC in Darmstadt are proceeding with turning on, checking and calibrating the spacecraft’s equipment, the telescope and scientific instruments, as they prepare for routine science observations.

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Muon Space will begin delivering space weather data to the U.S. Space Force under a $400,000 contract option announced July 11.

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Durham NC (SPX) Jul 11, 2023
If the United States and the former Soviet Union could cooperate on space efforts during the Cold War, then tensions between nations on Earth today don't have to extend to diplomacy and agreements governing outer space. That's according to speakers at a recent webinar organized by the Space Diplomacy Lab at Duke, part of the university's Rethinking Diplomacy program. "Plans to have R
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Chelmsford UK (SPX) Jul 11, 2023
Teledyne e2v Space Imaging, part of the Teledyne Technologies, is proud to have designed and built sensors for Aeolus, the first ESA satellite mission to acquire profiles of Earth's wind on a global scale. Named after the Greek god of the winds, Aeolus is the fifth satellite in the Living Planet Programme of the European Space Agency. It has become one of the highest impact-per-observation
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Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (SPX) Jul 11, 2023
The Saudi Space Commission (SSC) delegation visiting China held several bilateral meetings with government agencies, Chinese companies, and leaders of the space sector to discuss ways to enhance cooperation and build strategic partnerships in space technologies and industry and its future sectors in a way that serves common interests. Chairman of the Board of Directors of SSC, Eng. Abdulla

Thermal imagery sector heats up

Tuesday, 11 July 2023 10:00
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British investment firm Seraphim Space surveyed the Earth observation sector a few years ago, categorizing startups by sensor type.

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Paris (AFP) July 10, 2023
A scorching hot world where metal clouds rain drops of titanium is the most reflective planet ever observed outside of our Solar System, astronomers said on Monday. This strange world, which is more than 260 light years from Earth, reflects 80 percent of the light from its host star, according to new observations from Europe's exoplanet-probing Cheops space telescope. That makes it the
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