Copernical Team
Putting the S in the first Meteosat Third Generation Sounder

Following on from the launch of the first Meteosat Third Generation weather satellite, MTG-I1, last December, the focus is now on getting its partner satellite, MTG-S1, ready for liftoff next year – and a significant milestone has been reached. The satellite has been equipped with its main instrument, the Infrared Sounder, hence the satellite’s name, and also the Copernicus Sentinel-4 instrument, an ultraviolet, visible, near-infrared light spectrometer, or UVN for short.
Illuminating Earth’s shine

A climate experiment called Earthshine is part of ESA astronaut Andreas Mogensen’s Huginn mission. The experiment aims to understand how Earth reflects sunlight to improve climate models. And you can help Andreas and the scientists!
Gaia telescope data challenges long-held gravity theories

New technique measures structured light in a single shot

New insights into the potential for early steps of biological evolution on Mars

Blazing a path to the Gediz Vallis Ridge: Sols 3914-3915

The Dragon's Egg Too Tough To Crack

Phoenix's Red Planet Selfie

UAH to develop propulsion system to boost surveillance between Earth and Moon

China's commercial CERES-1 Y7 rocket launches 7 satellites