Copernical Team
Webb Telescope detects universe's most distant complex organic molecules

Webb Telescope reveals early universe crackled with bursts of star formation

China's main rocket engine for lunar crewed missions sets record

Slippery Science: Sols 3851-3852

Terran Orbital developed CAPSTONE lunar probe completes primary mission

Successful Launch and Deployment of Dragon into Orbit by SpaceX

European conference: Ready for the Moon

Watch the replay of the high-level conference organised in cooperation with the Federal Chancellery of the Republic of Austria to discuss the geo-political, economic and societal potential of Europe’s future role in space exploration endeavours.
The aim of the conference is to open the debate in Europe following the release of the High Level Advisory Group (HLAG) on the future of human and robotic space exploration for Europe.
ESA Director General Josef Aschbacher and the Chancellor of Austria Karl Nehammer take part, as well as Ministers, heads of space agencies and other prominent guests.
The plenary conference is followed by
Nicolas Bobrinsky on innovation and risk management | ESA Masterclass

Innovation is triggered by many drivers. One of these is the constant need for ESA to develop innovative solutions, such as unique spacecraft technologies.
In this first video, Nicolas recalls how he and his team had to think outside the box to find a solution for ESA to communicate with Ulysses. The spacecraft was flying around the north pole of the Sun, which is much farther in deep space than satellites had been launched up to that point.
The success of this solution motivated the decision to build ESA’s first deep-space communications antennas in New Norcia, in Australia, thus enabling many ESA scientific firsts in deep-space exploration.
The antennas would, some decades after,