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Washington DC (AFNS) Feb 26, 2021
Chief of Space Operations Gen. John W. "Jay" Raymond was virtually interviewed by renowned astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson during the Air Force Association's Aerospace Air Warfare Symposium Feb. 25, 2021. As the Space Force perseveres through its second year as the newest branch of service, the two discussed the value, threats and complex challenges that accompany the mission of protect
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Reston VA (SPX) Feb 25, 2021
SES Government Solutions (SES GS), a wholly-owned subsidiary of SES, in close partnership with a key U.S. Government customer, designed, developed and is fielding an O3b Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) loopback capability to provide greatly improved mission-critical communications for Department of Defense operations in remote locations in Southwest Asia. The awarded task order is against the sin
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Houston TX (SPX) Mar 02, 2021
Rice University physicists have discovered a way to trap the world's coldest plasma in a magnetic bottle, a technological achievement that could advance research into clean energy, space weather and astrophysics. "To understand how the solar wind interacts with the Earth, or to generate clean energy from nuclear fusion, one has to understand how plasma - a soup of electrons and ions - beha
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Moscow (AFP) Feb 28, 2021
A Soyuz rocket blasted off from the Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on Sunday carrying Russia's first satellite for monitoring the Arctic's climate, the Roscosmos space agency said. Video published by the Russian space agency showed the Soyuz blaster launching against grey skies at 0655 GMT, carrying an Arktika-M satellite. Space agency chief Dmitry Rogozin wrote on Twitter later tha
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Washington DC (SPX) Feb 26, 2021
NASA has selected Astra Space Inc. to provide a launch service for the agency's Time-Resolved Observations of Precipitation Structure and Storm Intensity with a Constellation of SmallSats (TROPICS) mission. The TROPICS mission consists of a constellation of six CubeSats and will increase the scientific community's understanding of storm processes. The launch service contract for the
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Zurich, Switzerland (SPX) Feb 25, 2021
To become climate neutral by 2050, the European Union launched two ambitious programmes: "Green Deal" and "DigitalStrategy". As a key component of their successful implementation, climate scientists and computer scientists launched the "Destination Earth" initiative, which will start in mid-021 and is expected to run for up to ten years. During this period, a highly accurate digital model of the
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Narragansett RI (SPX) Feb 26, 2021
February 26, 2021 - A team of researchers from the University of Rhode Island's Graduate School of Oceanography and their collaborators have revealed that the abundant microbes living in ancient sediment below the seafloor are sustained primarily by chemicals created by the natural irradiation of water molecules. The team discovered that the creation of these chemicals is amplified signifi
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Greenbelt MD (SPX) Mar 02, 2021
Up, up, and ... back down! On Jan. 27, scientists on an island in Indonesia launched a weather balloon carrying an ozonesonde - an instrument that measures ozone throughout the layers of Earth's atmosphere. Ozonesondes collect valuable data that scientists use to understand Earth's atmosphere, improve air quality predictions, and validate satellite measurements. The Indonesian space agency
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Moscow, Russia (SPX) Mar 02, 2021
Researchers from Skoltech and the University of Cambridge have shown that polaritons, the quirky particles that may end up running the quantum supercomputers of the future, can form structures behaving like molecules - and these "artificial molecules" can potentially be engineered on demand. The paper outlining these results was published in the journal Physical Review B Letters. Polariton
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SAN FRANCISCO – Australian startup Q-Ctrl is developing quantum sensors to send to Earth orbit, the moon and eventually Mars.

“Our team members have built a variety of quantum sensors in the past with world-record performance,” Q-Ctrl CEO Michael Biercuk told SpaceNews.

Video: Suitcase-sized asteroid explorer

Tuesday, 02 March 2021 09:25
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M-Argo approaches asteroid

Video: Suitcase-sized asteroid explorer

We're launching more than ever

Tuesday, 02 March 2021 09:00
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Launch rates are dramatically increasing Image: Launch rates are dramatically increasing

Space in response to COVID-19

Tuesday, 02 March 2021 08:00
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Rapid Action on COVID-19 and Earth observation Dashboard Challenges 2021

Do you have fresh ideas on how Earth observation data can contribute to monitoring the effects brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic? If so, ESA and the European Commission have launched a new series of monthly challenges asking for innovative solutions on how satellite data can be used to help better understand the effects of the coronavirus on society, economy and the environment.

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Tokyo (AFP) March 3, 2021
It's the sort of chance that comes along just once in a blue Moon: a Japanese billionaire is throwing open a private lunar expedition to eight people from around the world. Yusaku Maezawa, an online fashion tycoon, was announced in 2018 as the first man to book a spot aboard the lunar spaceship being developed by SpaceX. Maezawa, who paid an undisclosed sum for the trip expected to launc
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Orlando FL (UPI) Mar 03, 2021
California-based Rocket Lab, which has sent rockets into space 17 times using its small Electron vehicle, plans to launch a much bigger rocket called Neutron by 2024. As part of Rocket Lab's effort to raise funds for Neutron, it plans a public listing on the Nasdaq stock exchange by the end of June. Rocket Lab is confident it will succeed, but humble enough to adapt and offer new products
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