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Displaying items by tag: crew transportation

Tuesday, 30 April 2013 11:24

Space Operations Inc.

Space Operations, Inc. (SpaceOps) was established to satisfy a growing world-wide demand for a reliable and affordable spacecraft vehicle with capacity for carrying flight crews and vital cargo into space.

Mission Statement: To provide a crew launch capability, based in the the U.S., at the earliest possible time.

Space Operations was founded in 2011.

Published in Organisations

Commercial Orbital Transportation Services (COTS) is a NASA program to coordinate the delivery of crew and cargo to the International Space Station by private companies.

The program was announced on January 18, 2006. NASA has suggested that "Commercial services to ISS will be necessary through at least 2015."
COTS must be distinguished from the related Commercial Resupply Services (CRS) program. COTS relates to the development of the vehicles, CRS to the actual deliveries. COTS involves a number of Space Act Agreements, with NASA providing milestone-based payments. COTS does not involve binding contracts.

Published in Projects
Tuesday, 09 April 2013 19:17


The CST-100 (Crew Space Transportation) crew capsule is a spacecraft design proposed by Boeing in collaboration with Bigelow Aerospace as their entry for NASA's Commercial Crew Development (CCDev) program.

Its primary mission would be to transport crew to the International Space Station, and to private space stations such as the proposed Bigelow Aerospace Commercial Space Station.

Published in Projects