Copernical Team
Taking a Rain Check: Sols 3977-3979

Lab instrument now on two-billion-mile journey to the metallic asteroid Psyche

Cliffhangers go by the name of 'Stand By' in Mission Ops: Sols 3980-3981

Simulations of 'backwards time travel' can improve scientific experiments

Hypervelocity impact experiments probe the origin of organics on the dwarf planet Ceres

Lucy continues approach to Asteroid Dinkinesh for November 1 encounter

Satnav test on remote island lab

ESA’s navigation testbed vehicle participated in a campaign organised by Norwegian governmental authorities to assess the impact of jamming and spoofing on satnav systems and test innovative technologies for detection and mitigation.
Signatures of the Space Age: Spacecraft metals left in the wake of humanity's path to the stars

Webb spots quartz crystals in clouds of exoplanet WASP-17b

This is a transmission spectrum of the hot gas giant exoplanet WASP-17 b captured by the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope's innovative Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI) on 12–13 March 2023. It reveals the first evidence for quartz (crystalline silica, SiO2) in the clouds of an exoplanet.
This marks the first time that SiO2 has been identified in an exoplanet, and the first time any specific cloud species has been identified in a transiting exoplanet.
The spectrum was made by measuring the change in brightness of 28 wavelength bands of mid-infrared light as the planet transited the star. Webb observed the WASP-17 system
Unmanned and unbothered: autonomous intelligent oceanic exploration is upon us