Copernical Team
Juno finds Jupiter's winds penetrate in cylindrical layers

Bulgaria signs Artemis Accords at NASA Headquarters; Joins 31 Nations

Astronaut who led humanity's first mission around the Moon dead at 95

Glow in the visible range detected for the first time in the Martian night

University of Bern's LIMS Set to Uncover Moon's Mysteries in 2027

Lunar Mysteries Unraveled: Topographic Connection to Swirls Discovered

Hayabusa2 Unveils New Clues on Solar System's Beginnings from Asteroid Samples

HK, Macao add thrust to China's space exploration

Image: NASA sounding rocket launches into Alaskan aurora

A sounding rocket launched from Poker Flat Research Range in Fairbanks, Alaska, Nov. 8, 2023, carrying NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center's DISSIPATION mission. The rocket launched into aurora and successfully captured data to understand how auroras heat the atmosphere and cause high-altitude winds.
The teams continue to support a second sounding rocket launch for BEAM-PIE, a mission for Los Alamos National Laboratory that will use an electron beam to create radio waves, measuring how atmospheric conditions modulate them. The data is key to interpreting measurements from many other missions.
NASA's Sounding Rockets Program, funded by NASA's Heliophysics Division, is managed at the agency's Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia, under NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland.
Provided by NASA
Open doors for the ESA-ESAC Open Day

On Saturday 21st October, the European Space Agency opened the doors of the European Space Astronomy Centre in Villanueva de la Cañada (near Madrid), ESAC, to host the ESA Open Day. With a full program of talks and activities, the event featured tours, hands-on laboratories for children and get-togethers with science communicators, ESA astronaut and experts. More than 1800 people, among adults and children, had the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of the activities and programs in which ESA is involved every day.