Copernical Team
Rocker-Bogie Around the Marsmas Sea: Sols 4041-4042

Zhurong Rover Unveils Ancient Polygonal Terrain Under Mars' Utopia Planitia

Virgin Galactic sets January 2024 for 11th mission

NASA Outlines Future Strategy for Post-ISS Microgravity Research Labs in LEO

NASA's 3D-printed Rotating Detonation Rocket Engine Test a Success

Mighty MURI brings the heat to test new longwave infrared radiometer

NASA's new Multiband Uncooled Radiometer Instrument (MURI) features a novel bolometer that detects infrared radiation without a cryogenic cooler, greatly reducing the cost and complexity of dispatching infrared radiometers into low-Earth orbit.
First-light data from NASA's new Multiband Uncooled Radiometer Instrument (MURI) shows its novel, uncooled microbolometer is operational, setting the stage for future space missions dedicated to observing Earth's surface temperature with a cost-effective instrument.
Prepping for data from the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope

As part of a plan to prepare for the quantity and range of data that will be coming in from the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope, currently scheduled to launch by May 2027, NASA has granted funding to five project infrastructure teams (PITs), which will write software, run simulations, and plot out optimal uses of the telescope's data stream.
International astronaut will be invited on future NASA moon landing

An international astronaut will join U.S. astronauts on the moon by decade's end under an agreement announced Wednesday by NASA and the White House.
The news came as Vice President Kamala Harris convened a meeting in Washington of the National Space Council, the third such gathering under the Biden administration.
Tough tests no problem for carbon-fibre cryo fuel tanks

Pinhole propulsion for satellites