Copernical Team
Innovative X-ray lobster-eye mission set to launch

The Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) spacecraft Einstein Probe is ready to launch in January 2024. Equipped with a new generation of X-ray instruments with high sensitivity and a very wide view, this mission will survey the sky and hunt for powerful blasts of X-ray light coming from mysterious celestial objects such as neutron stars and black holes.
Einstein Probe is a collaboration led by CAS with the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics (MPE), Germany.
Ariane 6 smoke during combined test loading 3

Ariane 6 during combined test loading 3

Ariane 6 main stage final test firing

Houston, you've got visitors

Last week, members of ESA’s astronaut class of 2022 embarked on their first overseas field trip. They visited NASA’s facilities at the Johnson Space Centre (JSC) in Houston, Texas, USA, to get familiar with the environment where they will spend a significant part of their training once assigned to a mission.
Telescope Dismantled and Heading to New Mission in Chile

Helicity Space Raises $5M Seed Round for Fusion Propulsion Technology

NASA's Fermi Mission Creates 14-Year Time-Lapse of the Gamma-Ray Sky

Gaia's decade of discoveries: unravelling the intricacies of our galaxy