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Copernical Team

Monday, 14 October 2013 14:15

Omnisys Instruments

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Omnisys Instruments main operations are development and production of high performance electronics hardware, mainly for space industry but also for other scientific, security and medtech applications.

Omnisys two major business areas are:

  • Power systems for satellites.
  • THz range scientific radiometer instrumentation.
Thursday, 10 October 2013 16:22

Multifunctional Transport Satellites (MTSAT)

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Multifunctional Transport Satellites (MTSAT) are a series of weather and aviation control satellites.

They are geostationary satellites owned and operated by the Japanese Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), and provide coverage for the hemisphere centred on 140° East; this includes Japan and Australia who are the principal users of the satellite imagery that MTSAT provides.

They replace the GMS-5 satellite, also known as Himawari 5. They can provide imagery in five wavelength bands — visible and four infrared, including the water vapour channel. The visible light camera has a resolution of 1 km; the infrared cameras have 4 km (resolution is lower away from the equator at 140° East). The spacecraft have a planned lifespan of five years. MTSAT-1 and 1R were built by Space Systems/Loral. MTSAT-2 was built by Mitsubishi.

  • MTSAT-1R (140 ° E), also known as Himawari 6, was launched February 2005 and is now (Oct. 2013) in standby. It performed 5 years operations.

  • MTSAT-2, also known as Himawari 7, successfully launched 18th February 2006, is operational since 2010  (text dated Oct. 2013). 

The ground stations for both satellites are located in Kobe and Hitachiota, Japan.


Thursday, 01 September 2011 23:00

United States Geological Survey (USGS)

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The United States Geological Survey (USGS) is a scientific agency of the United States government. The scientists of the USGS study the landscape of the United States, its natural resources, and the natural hazards that threaten it.

The organization has four major science disciplines, concerning biology, geography, geology, and hydrology. The USGS is a fact-finding research organization with no regulatory responsibility. The USGS employs approximately 8,600 people and is headquartered in Reston, Virginia, USA. The USGS also has major offices near Lakewood, Colorado, at the Denver Federal Center, and Menlo Park, California.

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The Center for the Advancement of Science in Space (CASIS), a nonprofit organization,  is the sole manager of the International Space Station U.S. National Laboratory.

The mission of CASIS is to maximize use of this unparalleled platform for innovation, which can benefit all humankind and inspire a new generation to look to the stars.

The organization has been awarded by NASA the responsibility of inciting the imagination of entrepreneurs and scientists alike, accelerating and facilitating space-based research as well as creating public awareness of National Lab research and making space science more accessible to the world.

Thursday, 03 October 2013 12:59

ExoMars HADT-BFS (parachute test)

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The High Altitude Drop Test - Balloon Flight Services Program (HADT-BFS) is a project setup to test the parachutes of the future ExoMars programThis project is performed by the Romanian company ARCAS

The ExoMars program, consisting of two missions, will be pursued as part of a broad cooperation with the Russian Space Agency ROSCOSMOS. Two missions are foreseen within the ExoMars program for the 2016 and 2018 launch opportunities to Mars.

In order to test the ExoMars concept, ESA will design and build a spacecraft composite named ESA EDL Demonstrator Module. The EDL demonstrator will test the technology of the European Space Agency for landing on the Mars planet surface and will carry out several scientific experiments.

ARCA's role and HADT-BFS objective is testing the atmospheric deceleration parachutes of the EDL module in conditions similar to the ones in the Martian atmosphere. The parameters to be analysed will be parachute deployment speed, parachute stability, the drag coefficient and the overall system stability.

Wednesday, 02 October 2013 12:12

Galactic Suite

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Galactic Suite is a concept of space hotel designed for outer space.

The 'space resort' is designed to orbit the earth at a distance of 450 km, and at a speed of 30,000km, and will accommodate a maximum of four guests and two astronaut-pilots. The first Galactic Suite is due for completion in 2015. The project will establish an integrated space-based tourism concept. It will consist of three pillars; spaceport, spaceship and the space hotel. 

Monday, 14 October 2013 12:04

Galactic Suite Group

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Galactic Suite Group is a Barcelona based company, Spain, which creates oportunities around technology and people to promote a private access to Space. Founded in 2007, the company creates and promotes cutting-edge concepts to foster alliances and help creating relationships among companies and research centres.

Galactic Suite Group is actively involved in the development of a change of paradigm in the space business, where public actors and traditional large contractors will share scenario with smaller private entrepreneurial initiatives, including

  • (1) private suborbital flights with reusable spacecrafts able to fly up to 100km and reenter in controlled gliding flights, and staying some minutes in microgravity;
  • (2) private spaceports developed by private owners as first stones for complex real state and commercial operations;
  • (3) private manned orbital stations to be used as space hotels or scientific private platforms;
  • (4) private communications, global positioning systems, remote sensing satellites, provided with reduced sized satellites;
  • (5) private access to the Moon or other bodies for mining, responsible exploitation of planetary resources, etc.
Tuesday, 01 October 2013 14:22

Vietnam National Satellite Center (VNSC)

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Vietnam National Satellite Center (VNSC) is a research center under Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST).

VNSC has the functions of research and development, technology applications, and development of high quality human resource in satellite technology; receive, manage and implement Vietnam Space Center Project.


  • Implement, receive, manage and run the project Vietnam Space Center by Japan's ODA;
  • Perform national duties in research on development, application and education of satellite technology;
  • Develop and implement international cooperation projects in space technology, especially satellite technology;
  • Education, cooperation and transfer of satellite technology. Links with other universities with undergraduate and graduate studies in space technology, especially satellite technology;
  • Science and technology services in satellite technology;
  • International cooperation in satellite technology;
  • Communications and awareness raising for population about the importance and benefit of space technology in social – economic development and national security.
  • Among all of the above, the primary task of VNSC now is working with experts from Japan in the receiving, management and implementation of Vietnam Space Center Project in Hoa Lac Hi-Tech Park by Japan's ODA with the following specific tasks:
  • Managing the Project;
  • Developing high quality human resource in satellite technology;
  • Doing research, designing, manufacturing, assembling and testing small satellites;
  • Control, operation and management of small satellites of Vietnam;
  • Data collection, storage and processing of satellite images for the launching of space technology application.
Monday, 01 October 2012 12:48

EPS (EUMETSAT Polar System)

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The EUMETSAT Polar System (EPS) is a European satellite system that offers remote sensing capabilities to both meteorologists and climatologists. It consists of a series of three polar orbiting Metop satellites, to be flown successively for more than 14 years, from 2006, together with the relevant ground facilities. 

The satellites form the space segment component of the overall EPS system, which in turn is the European half of the EUMETSAT/NOAA Initial Joint Polar System (IJPS).

Metop-A (launched on 19 October 2006) and Metop-B (launched on 17 September 2012) are in a lower polar orbit, at an altitude of 817 kilometres, to provide more detailed observations of the global atmosphere, oceans and continents. The two satellites will operate in parallel for as long as Metop-A's available capacities bring benefits to users. Metop-C is due to be launched in 2017.

EPS Programme Background

EUMETSAT is responsible for coordinating all elements of the development, launch and operation of EPS satellites. This includes developing and procuring the ground segment; procuring the launcher and launch site, and operating the systems. Under the IJPS and Joint Transition Activities (JTA) agreement, EUMETSAT and NOAA have agreed to provide instruments for each other's satellites; exchange all data in real time, and assist each other with backup services. Other partners are European Space Agency and CNES.

The European and American satellites carry a set of identical sensors:

AVHRR/3 and the ATOVS suite consisting of AMSU-A, HIRS/4 and MHS. NOAA provides most of the joint instruments on board the satellites and EUMETSAT has developed and provides NOAA with the Microwave Humidity Sounder (MHS).

In addition, the Metop satellites carry a set of European sensors, IASI, ASCAT, GOME-2 and GRAS, aimed at improving atmospheric soundings, as well as measuring atmospheric ozone and near-surface wind vectors over the ocean. They also carry the Argos Advanced Data Collection System (A-DCS).

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The International Space Exploration Coordination Group (ISECG) was established in response to "The Global Exploration Strategy (GES): The Framework for Coordination" developed by fourteen space agencies and released in May 2007.

This GES Framework Document articulated a shared vision of coordinated human and robotic space exploration focused on Solar System destinations where humans may one day live and work. Among the many Framework Document findings was the need to establish a voluntary, non-binding international coordination mechanism through which individual agencies may exchange information regarding their interests, plans and activities in space exploration, and to work together on means of strengthening both individual exploration programs as well as the collective effort.

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