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Jacobs Engineering

Jacobs Engineering Group Inc., is an international engineering, architecture, and construction firm with offices located around the world.

Jacobs Engineering employs approximately 60,000 employees globally, and its acquisition of KlingStubbins added approximately 500 employees from the architectural firm's United States and Asia offices.[6] Jacobs has more than 200 offices in more than 25 countries, with operations in North America, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Continental Europe, India, Australia, Africa, and Asia. It owns one-third of the Atomic Weapons Establishment, Aldermaston, UK.

Primary markets include: Aerospace and Defense, Automotive and Industrial, Buildings, Chemicals and Polymers, Consumer and Forest Products, Energy, Environmental Programs, Infrastructure, Mining and Minerals, Oil and Gas, Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology, Refining, and Technology.

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