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Copernical Team

Copernical Team

Alameda CA (SPX) Aug 08, 2023
Astra Space, Inc. (NASDAQ: ASTR) has announced a strategic reallocation of its workforce from its Launch Services organization to its Astra Spacecraft Engines business to support its growing customer base and order backlog of its spacecraft engines. Astra last announced 278 cumulative committed orders of the Astra Spacecraft Engine through March 30, 2023, representing approximately $77 mil
Paris, France (SPX) Aug 08, 2023
AVS, a leading Brazilian service provider and integrator in the public and private sectors, has signed multiple contracts with Eutelsat Communications (Euronext Paris: ETL) for capacity on its EUTELSAT 65 West A satellite. This partnership has allowed AVS to deploy public channels such as TV ALEPR, TV ALESC, TV ALEPE and TV ALBA on the EUTELSAT 65 West A satellite, avoiding interference ge
Tokyo, Japan (SPX) Aug 08, 2023
Researchers invented a novel method to measure the permittivity of insulators 100 times more accurately than before. This technology is expected to contribute to the efficient development of sensitive radio receivers for radio telescopes as well as to the development of devices for the next generation communication networks, "Beyond 5G/6G." Permittivity is a value that indicates how electr
Pasadena CA (JPL) Aug 08, 2023
The agency's Cold Atom Lab is getting its second major upgrade and will be using it to explore the quantum realm. On Tuesday, Aug. 1, a major hardware update for NASA's Cold Atom Lab lifted off aboard a Northrop Grumman Cygnus resupply spacecraft on its way to the International Space Station. About the size of a small refrigerator, the lab is sometimes called the coolest place in the known
Pasadena CA (JPL) Aug 08, 2023
The helicopter performed a short hop to help the team better understand why its previous flight was interrupted. NASA's Ingenuity Mars Helicopter successfully completed its 54th flight on Aug. 3, the first flight since the helicopter cut its July 22 flight short. The 25-second up-and-down hop provided data that could help the Ingenuity team determine why its 53rd flight ended early.
Wednesday, 09 August 2023 13:25

India's moon mission takes another big step

New Delhi (XNA) Aug 09, 2023
The injection of Chandrayaan-3 into the lunar orbit and the subsequent moves marked a major milestone in India's ambitious $75-million lunar mission, experts said. The Indian Space Research Organisation, or ISRO, on Sunday completed the Lunar-Orbit Insertion to put the Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft into the moon's orbit. The spacecraft carrying the Moon Mission-3 is expected to land on th
Wednesday, 09 August 2023 13:25

InSight study finds Mars is spinning faster

Pasadena CA (JPL) Aug 08, 2023
Data sent by the spacecraft before it retired last December has provided new details about how fast the planet rotates and how much it wobbles. Scientists have made the most precise measurements ever of Mars' rotation, for the first time detecting how the planet wobbles due to the "sloshing" of its molten metal core. The findings, detailed in a recent Nature paper, rely on data from NASA's InSig
Pasadena CA (JPL) Aug 04, 2023
Earth planning date: Friday August 4, 2023: We're planning a special weekend today - Saturday is the 11th (Earth) anniversary of Curiosity's landing! I was newly graduated from high school when I watched Curiosity touch down, and it still seems surreal sometimes that I get to be part of a mission I followed with such fascination back then. We have an exciting anniversary (or 'landiversary'
Los Angeles CA (SPX) Aug 09, 2023
Rocket Lab USA, Inc. (Nasdaq: RKLB) has signed a new launch services agreement with a confidential customer for a HASTE (Hypersonic Accelerator Suborbital Test Electron) mission from Launch Complex 2 at Virginia's Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport within NASA's Wallops Flight Facility in 2024. The contract signing with a new customer came just days after Rocket Lab successfully launched the
Westminster CO (SPX) Aug 08, 2023
Advanced Space LLC., a leading space tech solutions company, is pleased to announce that NASA has selected two of our new Phase I concepts under the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program. The first project, won under the Flight Dynamics and Navigation Technologies subtopic, will support NASA's future efforts to design spacecraft trajectories for vehicles flying in cislunar spac
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