“Transiting planets are exciting since we can characterise their atmospheres with spectroscopy, not only with Hubble but also with the James Webb Space Telescope. Our measurement is important because it tells us that this is likely a very nearby terrestrial planet. We are looking forward to follow-on observations that will allow us to better understand the diversity of planets around other stars,” said Emily.
"Hubble remains a key player in our characterisation of exoplanets", added Professor Laura Kreidberg of the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy in Heidelberg, Germany (who was not part of this study). "There are precious few terrestrial planets that are close enough for us to learn about their atmospheres — at just 22 light-years away, LTT 1445Ac is right next door in galactic terms, so it’s one of the best planets in the sky to follow up and learn about its atmospheric properties."