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Menlo Park CA (SPX) Jun 08, 2023
LeoLabs, the leading commercial provider of Space Domain Awareness (SDA) services and low Earth orbit (LEO) mapping, has announced the commissioning of the LeoLabs Azores Space Radar. This radar site, located on Santa Maria Island in the Azores, Portugal adds critical coverage in Europe and supports regional and national commitments to space safety, security, and sustainability. The Azores site
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Beijing (XNA) Jun 07, 2023
The Tianzhou 5 cargo spacecraft re-docked with the Tiangong space station early on Tuesday morning, according to the China Manned Space Agency. In a brief news release, the agency said the robotic spaceship connected with the Tiangong station at 3:10 am. The Tianzhou 5 launched on Nov 12 from the Wenchang Space Launch Center in Hainan province, and docked with Tiangong later that sam
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Huntsville AL (SPX) Jun 07, 2023
A group of galaxies is plunging into the Coma galaxy cluster and leaving behind an enormous tail of superheated gas. Astronomers have confirmed this is the longest known tail behind a galaxy group and used it to gain a deeper understanding of how galaxy clusters - some of the largest structures in the universe - grow to their enormous sizes. Astronomers trained NASA's Chandra X-ray Observa
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Greenbelt MD (SPX) Jun 07, 2023
Using technology similar to that found in smartphone cameras, NASA scientists are developing upgraded sensors to reveal more details about black hole outbursts and exploding stars - all while being less power hungry and easier to mass produce than detectors used today. "When you think about black holes actively shredding stars, or neutron stars exploding and creating really high-energy bur
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Charlotteville VA (SPX) Jun 07, 2023
While studying classical novae using the National Radio Astronomy Observatory's Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA), a graduate researcher uncovered evidence the objects may have been erroneously typecast as simple. The new observations, which detected non-thermal emission from a classical nova with a dwarf companion, were presented at a press conference during the 242nd proceedings of the American
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Potsdam, Germany (SPX) Jun 08, 2023
Newly discovered biomarker signatures point to a whole range of previously unknown organisms that dominated complex life on Earth about a billion years ago. They differed from complex eukaryotic life as we know it, such as animals, plants and algae in their cell structure and likely metabolism, which was adapted to a world that had far less oxygen in the atmosphere than today. An international t
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College Park MD (SPX) Jun 08, 2023
The fastest winds ever recorded on Earth reached more than 200 miles per hour, but even those gusts pale in comparison to the sun's wind. In a paper published June 7, 2023 in the journal Nature, a team of researchers used data from NASA's Parker Solar Probe to explain how the solar wind is capable of surpassing speeds of 1 million miles per hour. They discovered that the energy released fr

Albedo expands staff and facilities

Thursday, 08 June 2023 10:30
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Albedo also announced the opening June 8 of a Broomfield facility large enough to build three to four satellites simultaneously.

The post Albedo expands staff and facilities appeared first on SpaceNews.

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Starship HLS lander

NASA has growing concerns that the lunar lander version of SpaceX’s Starship vehicle will not be ready in time for the Artemis 3 mission in late 2025, given the amount of work needed to get the vehicle ready.

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ESA’s exoplanet mission Cheops confirmed the existence of four warm exoplanets orbiting four stars in our Milky Way. These exoplanets have sizes between Earth and Neptune and orbit their stars closer than Mercury our Sun.

These so-called mini-Neptunes are unlike any planet in our Solar System and provide a ‘missing link’ between Earth-like and Neptune-like planets that is not yet understood. Mini-Neptunes are among the most common types of exoplanets known, and astronomers are starting to find more and more orbiting bright stars.

Mini-Neptunes are mysterious objects. They are smaller, cooler, and more difficult to find than the so-called hot

Vulcan performs static-fire test

Thursday, 08 June 2023 00:44
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Vulcan engine test

United Launch Alliance carried out a static-fire test of its Vulcan Centaur rocket June 7, one of the final milestones before the vehicle’s first launch.

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Nuview plans to launch, a Space Proof of Concept Satellite called Mr. Spoc, in a little more than two years.

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In its new role overseeing the nation’s network of missile-defense sensors, U.S.

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The European Space Agency has launched a demonstration project to show how artificial intelligence could use satellite data to help certify organic cotton farms in India to prevent fraud.

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Airbus developed a system to extract oxygen and metal from lunar regolith
An illustration of a Moon base that could be built using 3D printing and ISRU, In-Situ Resource Utilization. Credit: RegoLight, visualisation: Liquifer Systems Group, 2018

New technologies using material found in space are constantly popping up, sometimes from smaller companies and sometimes from larger ones. Back in 2020, one of the largest companies of them all announced a technology that could have significant implications for the future lunar exploration missions planned over the next ten years. The European aerospace giant Airbus developed the Regolith to OXYgen and Metals Conversion (ROXY) system.

ROXY creates not only oxygen, a resource vital for humans to breathe and also for , but also makes metals that can be used to manufacture tools, equipment, and even structures on the Moon. And it does it simply from the regolith that is present everywhere on the .

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