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Sols 3948-3949: A Rocky Road, or Two!

Friday, 15 September 2023 08:57
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Pasadena CA (JPL) Sep 13, 2023
Earth planning date: Wednesday, September 13, 2023: Our view out of the window, in this case the front hazard camera, is spectacular today, as you can see above. Regular readers of the mission updates will know that this rocky road has caused us problems in our driving lately, but today it all went smoothly. We are planning another 30 metre drive in today's plan, so let's hope Mars will read the
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Paris, France (SPX) Sep 15, 2023
The Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) is pleased to announce the launch of a new Capacity Building program through collaboration in the field of small satellites (Small Sats). Institutes and universities in developing countries which are interested in developing small satellites by setting up or expanding a local laboratory are invited to join the project. The program is expected to inc
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Frankfurt, Germany (AFP) Sept 14, 2023
Germany has blocked a complete Chinese takeover of a satellite startup on national security grounds, sources close to the matter told AFP Thursday, as Berlin takes an increasingly hard line against Beijing. Concerned at the heavy reliance of Europe's top economy on China, Chancellor Olaf Scholz's government has been pushing to "de-risk" and dial back dependencies. The German tech company
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This Copernicus Sentinel-2 image features swirls of vivid, emerald green algal blooms in the Gulf of Finland. Image: This Copernicus Sentinel-2 image features swirls of vivid, emerald green algal blooms in the Gulf of Finland.

Fitness tracker beyond Earth

Friday, 15 September 2023 05:50
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One of the experiments during ESA astronaut Andreas Mogensen’s mission will track his health and body vital signs during his daily exercise in space.

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Washington (AFP) Sept 14, 2023
NASA on Thursday officially joined the search for UFOs - but reflecting the stigma attached to the field, the US space agency kept secret for hours the identity of the person heading a new program tracking mystery flying objects. The official's appointment is the result of a year-long NASA fact-finding report into what it calls "unidentified anomalous phenomena," or UAP. "At NASA, it's
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Moscow (AFP) Sept 13, 2023
Russia's Vostochny cosmodrome, where President Vladimir Putin hosted North Korean leader Kim Jong Un Wednesday, has become a symbol of lingering problems in Moscow's space sector: from lengthy delays to rampant corruption. Built in the Russian Far East near the Chinese border, it opened for launches in 2016 and aimed to reduce Moscow's dependence on the main space base of Baikonur, which bec
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Mexico City (AFP) Sept 13, 2023
The alleged bodies of two "non-human beings" were presented during a congressional hearing in Mexico, generating a mixture of surprise, disbelief and ridicule on social media on Wednesday. The purported mummified remains were exhibited in two small display cases on Tuesday - the first time the Mexican Congress has officially addressed the issue of possible extraterrestrial life. The all

Musk, Zuckerberg visit US congress to discuss AI

Thursday, 14 September 2023 23:23
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Washington (AFP) Sept 13, 2023
Big tech bigwigs including Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg traveled to Capitol Hill on Wednesday to share their plans for artificial intelligence as the US prepares to draw up legislation to better control the technology. Senator Chuck Schumer, the Democratic majority leader of the US Senate, has planned a series of so-called AI Innovation forums, closed door meetings where lawmakers can quiz
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The first asteroid sample collected in space and brought to Earth by the United States will be unveiled at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston on Wednesday, Oct. 11, and media accreditation is now open.
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