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Denver CO (SPX) Jul 26, 2022
Today, Space For Humanity (S4H), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, announced its selection committee has chosen Sara Sabry to become the organization's second sponsored Citizen Astronaut. Sara will become the first Egyptian to fly to space when she flies aboard Blue Origin's NS-22 flight. Sara, 29, is an Egyptian mechanical and biomedical engineer and founder of Deep Space Initiative (DS
Beijing (Sputnik) Jul 21, 2022
Last month, the US Space Force (USSF) launched a new intelligence center and US Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines called space "a warfighting domain." The military branch was launched in 2019 as Washington began to fret it was losing its half-century of dominance in US orbit. The Chinese government has denounced the United States' militarization of space, calling on Washington
Paris, France (SPX) Jul 26, 2022
Following recent market rumors, Eutelsat Communications (Euronext Paris: ETL) confirms that it has engaged in discussions with its co-shareholders in OneWeb regarding a potential all-share combination to create a global leader in Connectivity with complementary GEO/LEO activities. The combined entity would be the first multi-orbit satellite operator offering integrated GEO and LEO solution

Landsat turns 50

Tuesday, 26 July 2022 11:15
Greenbelt MD (SPX) Jul 25, 2022
Fifty years ago, U.S. scientists launched a satellite that dramatically changed how we see the world. It captured images of Earth's surface in minute detail, showing how wildfires burned landscapes, how farms erased forests, and many other ways humans were changing the face of the planet. The first satellite in the Landsat series launched on July 23, 1972. Eight others followed, providing
Washington DC (UPI) Jul 25, 2021
China has successfully launched a laboratory to its space station orbiting Earth, the Asian nation's space agency said. The 23-ton Wentian lab module was launched aboard the Long March 5B rocket from China's Wenchang Space Launch Site in Hainan Province at 2:22 p.m. Sunday and docked to the core module of the Tiangong Space Station early Monday, the China Manned Space Agency said.
Beijing (XNA) Jul 26, 2022
China's Tianwen-1 probe beamed back high-resolution images of Mars' natural satellite Phobos on Saturday, marking the second anniversary of the launch. Phobos and Deimos are two natural satellites of the red planet. Phobos is the larger one with an irregular shape with no atmosphere and the closest satellite to the main star in the solar system. The Tianwen-1 operation team seized th
HawkEye 360 manufacturing facility

HawkEye 360 has opened a new manufacturing facility near its northern Virginia headquarters that will help the company accelerate the deployment of its constellation of radio-frequency (RF) monitoring satellites.

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The Defense Innovation Unit is funding space projects that the agency hopes will spur commercial investments in satellite refueling technologies and support services for geostationary satellites. 

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Explosive volcanic eruption produced rare mineral on Mars
NASA's Curiosity Mars rover snapped this low-angle self-portrait at the site where it drilled into a rock July 30, 2015, producing a powder (visible in foreground) that was later confirmed to contain the rare mineral tridymite. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS

Planetary scientists from Rice University, NASA's Johnson Space Center and the California Institute of Technology have an answer to a mystery that's puzzled the Mars research community since NASA's Curiosity rover discovered a mineral called tridymite in Gale Crater in 2016.

Tridymite is a high-temperature, low-pressure form of quartz that is extremely rare on Earth, and it wasn't immediately clear how a concentrated chunk of it ended up in the . Gale Crater was chosen as Curiosity's landing site due to the likelihood that it once held , and Curiosity found evidence that confirmed Gale Crater was a lake as recently as 1 billion years ago.

Hundreds of residents and tourists have been evacuated from the Greek island of Lesbos after a wildfire broke out on the morning of 23 July. This image, captured by Sentinel-2, shows the active fire front which stretches for more than four km. Image: Hundreds of residents and tourists have been evacuated from the Greek island of Lesbos after a wildfire broke out on the morning of 23 July. This image, captured by Sentinel-2, shows the active fire front which stretches for more than four km.
Eutelsat headquarters

Eutelsat said July 25 it is in talks to merge with OneWeb to create a global multi-orbit satellite broadband operator.

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Eutelsat headquarters

Eutelsat and OneWeb said July 26 they have agreed a plan to merge their businesses to create a global multi-orbit satellite broadband operator.

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NASA wants your help designing a starshade to observe exoplanets
Artist's concept of the prototype starshade, a giant structure designed to block the glare of stars so that future space telescopes can take pictures of planets. Credit: NASA/JPL

The field of exoplanet study has come a long way in recent decades. To date, 5,063 exoplanets have been confirmed in 3,794 systems beyond our own, with another 8,819 candidates awaiting confirmation. In the coming years, tens of thousands of more planets are expected to be found, thanks to next-generation observatories. The ultimate goal in this search is to find planets that are "Earth-like," meaning they have a good chance of supporting life. This is no easy task, as rocky planets located within their parent star's habitable zones (HZs) tend to orbit closely, making them harder to see.

To make this process easier, NASA is designing a hybrid observatory consisting of a "Starshade" that will block out a star's light so that a ground-based telescope can directly image planets orbiting it.

Beijing (AFP) July 25, 2022
Astronauts entered the new lab module of China's space station for the first time Monday, in a major step towards completing the orbital outpost by the end of the year. The station is one of the crown jewels of Beijing's ambitious space programme, which has landed robotic rovers on Mars and the Moon, and made China only the third nation to put humans in orbit. Once completed, Tiangong --
London, UK (SPX) Jul 25, 2022
The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) is consulting on the determination of a marine licence application from Virgin Orbit, proposing to launch a satellite from Spaceport Cornwall in Newquay. Virgin Orbit proposes to conduct a maximum of one launch in 2022 and two launches per year over the next 8 years (January 2023 - December 2030). As the material to be deposited will be loaded
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