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Nagoya, Japan (SPX) Jan 06, 2023
A team from Nagoya University in Japan has observed, for the first time, the energy transferring from resonant electrons to whistler-mode waves in space. Their findings offer direct evidence of previously theorized efficient growth, as predicted by the non-linear growth theory of waves. This should improve our understanding of not only space plasma physics but also space weather, a phenomenon th
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Mountain View CA (SPX) Jan 06, 2023
On January 3, 2023, EOS SAT-1, the initial satellite of EOS SAT, the first agri-focused satellite constellation launched by a remote sensing company, was successfully delivered into a low Earth orbit by SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket from the Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida. EOS SAT is a constellation consisting of seven small optical satellites created by EOS Data Analytics, a glo
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San Antonio TX (SPX) Jan 06, 2023
A groundbreaking new mass spectrometer designed and built by Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) has been delivered for integration onto NASA's Europa Clipper spacecraft. Scheduled to launch in 2024 and arrive in the Jovian system by 2030, Europa Clipper will conduct a detailed science investigation of the moon Europa and study whether it could harbor conditions suitable for life. The MAss
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Olso, Norway (SPX) Jan 06, 2023
KBR has selected KSAT to provide all Outside the Continental United States (OCONUS) SWFO Antenna Network (SAN) services. The KBR and KSAT team are developing a blended network including U.S. government ground station sites with KSAT-owned capabilities delivered as a service. Increased solar activity in recent weeks has provided opportunities for many in the Northern Hemisphere to view the
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Boston MA (SPX) Jan 06, 2023
The way electrons interact with photons of light is a key part of many modern technologies, from lasers to solar panels to LEDs. But the interaction is inherently a weak one because of a major mismatch in scale: A wavelength of visible light is about 1,000 times larger than an electron, so the way the two things affect each other is limited by that disparity. Now, researchers at MIT and el
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McLean VA (SPX) Jan 06, 2023
Iridium Communications Inc. (Nasdaq: IRDM) has entered into an agreement with Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. to enable satellite messaging and emergency services in smartphones powered by Snapdragon Mobile Platforms. Qualcomm Technologies' new Snapdragon Satellite solution is supported by the fully operational Iridium satellite constellation. Emergency messaging using Snapdragon Satellite is expect
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Las Vegas NV (SPX) Jan 06, 2023
Quectel Wireless Solutions, a global IoT solutions provider, has launched three new combo antennas to help IoT solution designers and developers optimize device performance. Each new combo antenna has been designed to offer maximized choice and performance for IoT deployments so customers can ensure their devices can access the connectivity they need across a variety of wireless technologi
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Denver CO (SPX) Jan 06, 2023
Voyager Space and Airbus Defence and Space are partnering to develop and operate Starlab, a free-flying space station to serve the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and a global customer base of space agencies and researchers. Starlab is planned to be launched in 2028 to ensure a continued human presence in Low-Earth Orbit (LEO). Airbus Defence and Space will provide tec
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General Atomics Electromagnetic Systems won a contract from Advanced Space to build a satellite the Air Force Research Laboratory plans to launch to deep space in 2025.

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Iridium unveiled chip maker Qualcomm Jan. 5 as the partner behind plans to connect smartphones to its satellite constellation this year.

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SwRI delivers innovative instrument for NASA's Europa Clipper mission
Southwest Research Institute recently delivered the MAss Spectrometer for Planetary EXploration (MASPEX) instrument for integration into NASA's Europa Clipper spacecraft.

Virgin Orbit preparing for first U.K. launch

Thursday, 05 January 2023 12:17
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Cosmic Girl at Spaceport Cornwall

After technical and licensing delays, Virgin Orbit is gearing up for its first launch from the United Kingdom as soon as Jan. 9.

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Impulse Space

Impulse Space announced Jan. 4 it will launch its first orbital transfer vehicle late this year on a SpaceX rideshare mission.

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Canada’s NorthStar Earth and Space said Jan. 5 it has raised $35 million ahead of plans to deploy its first three satellites this year for tracking objects in orbit.

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Boost! – ESA's Commercial Space Transportation and Support programme welcomes new ideas

Swiss start-up Coactum is to press ahead with development of its in-space transportation service to bring small satellites into their targeted orbital destinations, with support from ESA’s Boost! programme. 

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