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Beijing (XNA) Jan 20, 2023
More than 50 research results on the lunar samples brought back by the Chang'e-5 mission have been published in notable academic journals at home and abroad, pushing China's lunar science research to the international forefront, according to the China National Space Administration (CNSA). Over 150 scientists and researchers participated in the first Chang'e-5 Lunar Sample Research Results

Our Encanto: Sols 3716-3717

Friday, 20 January 2023 03:03
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Pasadena CA (JPL) Jan 19, 2023
Yesterday's plan executed successfully including a short bump that placed us in front of an interesting block that may just contain our next drilled target! Before the science team commits to drilling the target "Encanto," we will first investigate the chemistry and composition of the target using APXS, ChemCam, and Mastcam (using their multispectral capability), to ensure that it is scien

Hera's time of trial

Friday, 20 January 2023 03:03
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Paris (ESA) Jan 20, 2023
One of last year's space highlights was the NASA DART mission's collision with Dimorphos (seen right), the small moon of the binary asteroid Didymos (seen left). The impact which measurably shifted the target asteroid's orbit around its primary while casting a plume of debris thousand of kilometres out into space. Next comes ESA's Hera spacecraft which will return to the binary asteroid to
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Chandler AZ (SPX) Jan 20, 2023
The commercialization of the Low-Earth Orbit (LEO) region is transforming space exploration and satellite communication at roughly 1,200 miles above Earth. For satellites to successfully operate and reach their destination, it is essential to select components that can withstand the harsh space environment. Building on its existing radiation-tolerant portfolio, Microchip Technology Inc. (N
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Paris, France (SPX) Jan 20, 2023
Initially designed for a 15-year lifetime, the EUTELSAT 5 West A satellite has retired after an impressive 20+ years of fruitful in-orbit operation. The satellite was successfully re-orbited as planned to more than 400km above the geostationary arc, the propulsion system depressurised and the electrical equipment on board passivated. The final operation to de-activate the remaining Radio Frequen

China to launch 200-plus spacecraft in 2023

Friday, 20 January 2023 03:03
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Beijing (XNA) Jan 20, 2023
The China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) plans to launch more than 200 spacecraft with over 60 space missions in 2023, according to a company report released Wednesday. The CASC report unveiled plans for the country's space science and technology activities in 2023. It said that the Tianzhou 6 cargo craft, the Shenzhou XVI and the Shenzhou XVII flight missions would ta
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Terran Orbital’s decision not to build a large satellite factory in Florida is only a minor setback for the state’s efforts to grow the space industry’s presence in the state and to expand beyond launch, according to one official.

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A Chinese launch startup has performed hot fire tests as part of development of a planned reusable stainless-steel rocket apparently inspired by SpaceX’s Starship.

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Gen. B. Chance Saltzman, chief of space operations of the U.S. Space Force, in a memo outlining his priorities said the service should pursue stronger partnerships with allies.

The post U.S.

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Slingshot Aerospace is developing a system for the U.S. Space Force that will use data from HawkEye 360’s satellites to identify potential threats to GPS signals

The post HawkEye 360 satellites to provide data for U.S.

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Harris AVHRR

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s next generation of geostationary weather satellites will significantly improve weather forecasting thanks to the addition of a hyperspectral infrared sounder.

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Eutelsat said Jan. 19 it retired a satellite last week that had helped Europe transition from analog to digital television two decades ago.

The post Eutelsat 5 West A successfully retired in graveyard orbit appeared first on SpaceNews.

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Hera's time of trial
Credit: ESA-Science Office

One of last year's space highlights was the NASA DART mission's collision with Dimorphos, the small moon of the binary asteroid Didymos (seen left). The impact measurably shifted the target asteroid's orbit around its primary while casting a plume of debris thousand of kilometers out into space.

Next comes ESA's Hera spacecraft which will return to the binary asteroid to perform a close-up survey of the crater left by DART, as well as measuring Dimorphos' mass and make-up, along with that of its central body.

"Hera is due to be launched in October 2024," explains Ian Carnelli, heading the mission. "In order to make that deadline our team has been working hard during the last year to finalize and test the various spacecraft subsystems—including the two CubeSats that will be deployed from Hera itself in the vicinity of Dimorphos. Meanwhile the overall mission passed its system Critical Design Review at the end of 2022, at the same time as Hera received funding for its launcher and operations.

"This coming year is when everything comes together: all elements of the Hera flight model are due to be integrated so that we can perform a full campaign of environmental testing on the spacecraft at ESA's ESTEC Test Center in the Netherlands.

With Starshield, SpaceX readies for battle

Thursday, 19 January 2023 14:00
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SpaceX is answering the Pentagon’s call for more commercial allies with Starshield, a business that will leverage its manufacturing might to provide custom- built spacecraft, sensors, and secure communications services.

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Future-proofing ice measurements from space

Thursday, 19 January 2023 13:06
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Flying for CryoSat and ICESat-2 in Antarctica

With diminishing ice one of the biggest casualties of our warming world, it’s imperative that accurate measurements continue to be made for scientific research and climate policy, as well as for practical applications such as ship routing.

To ensure that ESA and NASA are getting the best out of their ice-measuring satellites and to help prepare for Europe’s new CRISTAL satellite, the two space agencies along with the British Antarctic Survey and a team of scientists teamed up recently to carry out an ambitious campaign in Antarctica.

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