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Copernical Team

Copernical Team

Hoboken NJ (SPX) May 15, 2023
There are roughly 7,000 satellites whizzing around the Earth, scanning our planet's surface and generating hundreds of terabytes of data every day. These satellites are operated by many different governments and commercial entities and the data they produce are scattered across different stakeholders with different agendas, making it impossible for any single research team to leverage the full p
Origami heat shield: reusable for reentries Image: Origami heat shield: reusable for reentries
Paris, France (SPX) May 17, 2023
Let's take a walk down memory lane and take a look at the birth of satellites, why they are so critical to life on Earth today and what things would look like in a world without such connectivity enablers. Even those who weren't born at the time, have all heard of Sputnik, the first satellite launched in October 1957. A small sphere of steel sent into space by the USSR during the cold war,
Broomfield CO (SPX) May 17, 2023
Gogo Business Aviation's (NASDAQ: GOGO) global Low Earth Orbit (LEO) broadband service has gained momentum with significant program achievements by Gogo and strategic partners, OneWeb and Hughes Network Systems, LLC, an EchoStar (NASDAQ: SATS) Company. Gogo's LEO satellite network provider, OneWeb, completed the launch of its LEO constellation with more than 588 satellites in orbit at the
Munich, Germany (SPX) May 17, 2023
The BlackGEM array, consisting of three new telescopes located at ESO's La Silla Observatory, has begun operations. The telescopes will scan the southern sky to hunt down the cosmic events that produce gravitational waves, such as the mergers of neutron stars and black holes. Some cataclysmic events in the Universe, such as the collision of black holes or neutron stars, create gravitationa
Greenbelt MD (SPX) May 17, 2023
The heart of NASA's Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope was recently delivered to Ball Aerospace in Boulder, Colorado, for integration into the WFI (Wide Field Instrument). Called the FPS (Focal Plane System), it serves as the core of Roman's camera. When the mission launches by May 2027, astronomers will use this system to gather exquisite images to help unravel the secrets of dark energy and dar
Sao Paulo, Brazil (SPX) May 17, 2023
The Sun's rotation produces changes in its magnetic field, which flips completely every 11 years or so, triggering a phase of intense activity. Solar flares - huge eruptions from the surface of the Sun lasting minutes or hours - emit intense bursts of particles and high levels of electromagnetic radiation. The release of energy during solar flares heats the chromosphere, causing almost full ioni
Milton Keynes UK (SPX) May 17, 2023
Scientists at The Open University (OU) have analysed isotopic measurements in the atmosphere of Mars, providing new information on the evolution of the Martian climate throughout history and the origin of surface organics on Mars. The atmosphere of Mars, which is mostly made of carbon dioxide (CO2), is relatively enriched in 'heavy' carbon (13C) with respect to Earth due to the preferentia
Tuesday, 16 May 2023 23:59

A blancing act at Ubajara: Sol 3830

Pasadena CA (JPL) May 15, 2023
We are in the midst of our 38th successful drill campaign, analyzing the "Ubajara" bedrock, a sample of what we have been referring to as the "above Marker band" bedrock. Curiosity has been systematically analyzing the bedrock and associated vein and nodular features for chemistry, texture and sedimentology since we left the Marker band and our last drill target, "Tapo Caparo." We are inte
Tuesday, 16 May 2023 23:59

Lunar Flashlight to fly by Earth

Washington DC (SPX) May 17, 2023
With its primary mission over, the CubeSat will zoom by Earth late Tuesday, May 16, and NASA's Eyes on the Solar System app will track it, providing a chance to say farewell. NASA's Lunar Flashlight mission to the Moon has ended, but the briefcase-size spacecraft will soon fly past Earth before heading into deep space. On Tuesday, May 16, at 9:44 p.m. PDT (Wednesday, May 17, at 12:44 a.m.
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