Copernical Team
Paris Air Show Live - Press briefing on new European Zero Space Debris policy

Watch the replay of the live session from Paris Air Show 2023 discussing the signature of a new European Zero Space Debris policy. ESA's aim is to totally stop the generation of debris in valuable orbits by 2030. This approach has been initiated by the Agency in response to the catastrophic degradation of the Low-Earth Orbit environment. Speakers will include ESA representatives -including its Director General- and leading industry players.
Paris Air Show Live – Session on understanding Earth’s water and carbon cycles from space

By using concrete examples of the water and carbon cycles, the speakers in this session focus on the grand science questions and how we can turn them into answers and solutions most useful to decision-makers at the front line of the climate crisis. Earth is a highly dynamic system where the transport and exchanges of energy and matter are influenced by a multitude of processes and feedback mechanisms. Untangling these complex processes to better understand how Earth works as a system is a major challenge; a challenge that satellites, with their global view, are ideally positioned to
W-band on the run

Evidence of the amino acid tryptophan found in space

New study weighs the universe's supermassive black holes

Seven US companies collaborate with NASA to advance space capabilities

An amino acid essential for life is found in interstellar space

Space exploration company brings high-tech laser lab to the ocean floor

SpaceLogistics continues satellite life-extension work with latest sale

Top Secret NRO Spy Satellite launched on ULA's Delta IV Heavy Penultimate Flight