Copernical Team
Three astronauts return to Earth after a year in space. NASA's Frank Rubio sets US space record

Ready for collection – lightsabres for Mars

Hera solar wing deployed

ESA’s Hera asteroid mission for planetary defence seen with one of its two solar wings added, during its continuing test campaign at the ESTEC Test Centre in the Nethelands.
The van-sized spacecraft, left, is powered by a pair of solar array wings, made up of three panels each, provided by Beyond Gravity in Switzerland.
One of these 5-m-long wings was added for Hera’s ‘cold deployment check’ – a manual unfolding process to confirm that the wing fits correctly. Because the solar wings have been designed to operate in weightlessness they were supported by a frame during this test
Hera takes wing

Vega's fuel-free CubeSats to keep formation with wings

Spain’s trio of ANSER CubeSats, due to fly on Europe’s next Vega launcher, will fly like a flock of birds in orbit – in more ways than one. Keeping in formation by following their leader, the three shoebox-sized satellite will image Iberian waters as if they are a single standard-sized mission. And they will unfurl wing-like flaps to maintain their relative positions, surfing on the scanty airflow at the top of Earth’s atmosphere.
Arlington Capital Partners to acquire Exostar from Thoma Bravo

Omnispace and Lacuna showcase NGSO IoT satellite connectivity

How to build better extraterrestrial robots

Trimble and Kyivstar to provide GNSS correction services in Ukraine

China launches its latest remote sensing satellite