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Copernical Team

Copernical Team

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Los Angeles CA (SPX) Dec 06, 2023
Sidus Space (NASDAQ: SIDU), a notable player in the Space and Data-as-a-Service sector, has recently announced its expanded involvement in the NASA Artemis missions. The company disclosed that it has secured an additional contract from Bechtel to manufacture supplementary cables for the NASA Mobile Launcher 2, a pivotal structure in the launch of Space Launch System (SLS) rockets. This new
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Los Angeles CA (SPX) Dec 06, 2023
Rogue Space Systems Corporation, a pioneer in satellite servicing technologies, has proudly announced the triumphant launch, deployment, and operational startup of its inaugural satellite, Barry-1. Since its launch on November 11th, the satellite has maintained stable communications and control, transitioning smoothly into the Launch and Early Orbit Phase (LEOP), set to extend into Decembe
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Los Angeles CA (SPX) Dec 06, 2023
Intuitive Machines, Inc. (Nasdaq: LUNR, LUNRW), a prominent space exploration, infrastructure, and services company, has announced the successful arrival of its IM-1 mission Nova-C lunar lander at Cape Canaveral, Florida. Steve Altemus, CEO of Intuitive Machines, expressed his pride in this significant achievement. "This milestone is the culmination of four years of technical excellence, o
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Los Angeles CA (SPX) Dec 06, 2023
Firefly Aerospace, Inc., a key player in space transportation, has announced its selection to develop a framework for integrated on-orbit spacecraft hubs. This initiative supports DARPA's 10-Year Lunar Architecture (LunA-10) capability study. The proposed hubs, leveraging the capabilities of Firefly's Elytra orbital vehicles, aim to provide versatile cislunar services, including refueling, deliv
Tuesday, 05 December 2023 16:00

NAVISP Industry 2023 @ ESTEC

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Video: 00:02:04

In November 2023, ESA hosted its annual NAVISP Industry Days event. This year, more than 200 positioning, navigation and timing (PNT) professionals from across Europe gathered at ESA’s Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC) in the Netherlands to explore together opportunities for innovation, commercialisation and collaboration via ESA’s Navigation Innovation and Support Programme (NAVISP).

For more information: visit https://navisp.esa.int

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CEOS Earth Observation Handbook

Delve into the new CEOS Earth Observation Handbook

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ESA is helping to unlock next-generation space connectivity to support communication everywhere and anywhere through the advancement of a new software platform from Aalyria, an innovative young company.

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Berlin, Germany (SPX) Dec 05, 2023
On December 1st, D-Orbit, a leader in the realm of space logistics and orbital transportation, achieved a significant milestone by successfully launching its 13th commercial mission, named Beyond. This mission utilized the company's innovative Orbital Transfer Vehicle (OTV), the ION Satellite Carrier, showcasing its versatility and advanced capabilities in the industry. The launch occurred
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Sydney, Australia (SPX) Dec 05, 2023
Researchers at City University of Hong Kong (CityU) have achieved a significant breakthrough in antenna technology, creating the world's first universal metasurface antenna that can control all five fundamental properties of electromagnetic waves through software. This novel technology holds immense potential for the future of 6G wireless communication systems, offering advanced waveform manipul
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