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  • Navigation tech for the future of mobility

Navigation tech for the future of mobility

Written by  Monday, 14 October 2024 10:49
Flying taxi

Where would we be without our GNSS-enabled car navigation systems or navigation apps on our smartphone? Space technology, particularly global navigation satellite systems like the European Galileo, is the backbone of today's mobility and transport.

But are current technologies and systems enough to meet the evolving mobility needs of the future? The European Space Agency is closely monitoring emerging technology trends and staying ahead of the curve, designing and developing the future of Galileo and EGNOS, and conceiving new missions and programmes so that European space technology continues to serve the demands of an increasingly interconnected and mobile world.

ESA’s LEO-PNT mission will demonstrate the potential of a navigation constellation in low Earth orbit as part of a multi-layered approach to PNT, complementing existing GNSS. The mission will feature a constellation of 10 satellites to assess how novel signals in different frequency bands and geometries will provide more robust, resilient and ubiquitous navigation, essential to enable advanced mobility applications unthinkable today.

After the demonstrator, a follow up phase shall focus on developing European industry’s production capability of LEO-PNT satellite core building blocks that could allow the deployment of an operational LEO-PNT infrastructure. This phase will also allow to validate the system concept based on a minimum representative space and ground infrastructure and associated performance.

ESA is working with stakeholders including Galileo’s owner, the European Commission, on a joint vision for a potential operational LEO-PNT system in Europe.

Further in-orbit demonstrator missions proposed by ESA explore novel technologies for more resilient and ubiquitous PNT that will support future mobility services. ESA has identified optical technology, integrity concepts and space navigation as key technologies to be matured with good potential for introduction in future operational programmes.

To drive innovation and competitiveness in the European PNT landscape, ESA’s Navigation Innovation and Support Programme (NAVISP) supports industry developing new commercial products and services. Since the inception of this programme, a third of its funding has been allocated to projects in the transport segment.

Additionally, NAVISP facilitates collaboration with key stakeholders including industry leaders in the downstream segment and end-user communities driving the future of PNT in transport. Through this, ESA contributes to addressing regulatory and technical challenges facing the mobility sector. By supporting events like the SAE Symposium on Navigation and Positioning in Urban Mobility and the ITS World Congress, ESA demonstrates strong ties with the automotive and mobility industries. This allows ESA to identify and address user needs while shaping the future of sustainable and intelligent transport.

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