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  • Ariane 6 to launch RAMI Deployer for interplanetary missions

Ariane 6 to launch RAMI Deployer for interplanetary missions

Written by  Thursday, 13 June 2024 06:37
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Paris, France (SPX) Jun 13, 2024
Europe's newest rocket, Ariane 6, is set to launch soon, carrying multiple space missions. This flight will demonstrate the rocket's ability to launch various payloads, including new satellites for Earth observation, deep space exploration, and technology testing. UARX Space's advanced mission injector, RAMI, will be part of the launch. This payload, about the size of a small suitcase, is
Ariane 6 to launch RAMI Deployer for interplanetary missions
by Erica Marchand
Paris, France (SPX) Jun 13, 2024

Europe's newest rocket, Ariane 6, is set to launch soon, carrying multiple space missions. This flight will demonstrate the rocket's ability to launch various payloads, including new satellites for Earth observation, deep space exploration, and technology testing.

UARX Space's advanced mission injector, RAMI, will be part of the launch. This payload, about the size of a small suitcase, is designed to transport four CubeSats into space. Made from durable, lightweight materials, RAMI can carry up to 12 units of CubeSats and 24 kilograms, while weighing less than 13 kg without satellites. These features make RAMI a significant element in the Ariane 6 mission.

UARX Space emphasizes interplanetary exploration with RAMI, which can house CubeSats larger than standard sizes and includes features that enhance mission success.

"We go beyond standard products, focusing on details and incorporating additional features that maximise the success of our customers' missions," said Yanina Hallak, CEO of UARX Space. RAMI's advanced technology and role in mission integration highlight UARX Space's dedication to the space industry.

For this mission, RAMI will carry one 6U (six-unit) and two 3U CubeSats, including Replicator and ROBUSTA-3A. The deployer features a non-magnetic device that opens its doors via a signal from the Ariane 6 launcher, releasing the CubeSats with a push spring mechanism.

UARX Space developed RAMI in Nigran, Spain, but integrated the CubeSats in French Guiana, at Europe's Spaceport. UARX Space personnel assisted in the launch campaign, ensuring flawless execution. This reflects UARX Space's commitment to high-quality space solutions.

UARX Space, a Spanish company with a strong spaceflight legacy, sees a promising future for the European space sector, starting with this launch of Ariane 6.

Andres Villa, UARX Space's Chief Technology Officer, said, "Being part of this historic event is an incredible opportunity to demonstrate our outstanding capabilities in Europe to develop satellites, separation systems, and rockets."

RAMI also carries the handprints of 50 kindergarten students and five teachers from Nigran, reflecting UARX Space's commitment to future scientists and engineers. Additionally, RAMI is named after the UARX founders' son. "If we launch first thing into space, we had to name it after our child," Yanina concluded with a smile.

Related Links
UARX Space
Rocket Science News at Space-Travel.Com

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