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  • Russia accuses US of seeking to place weapons in space

Russia accuses US of seeking to place weapons in space

Written by  Wednesday, 22 May 2024 19:26
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Moscow (AFP) May 21, 2024
Russia on Tuesday said the United States was seeking to place weapons in space, the latest accusation in an ongoing row that comes a day after Washington vetoed a Russian non-proliferation motion at the United Nations. "They have once again demonstrated that their true priorities in the area of outer space are aimed not at keeping space free from weapons of any kind, but at placing weapons i
Russia accuses US of seeking to place weapons in space
by AFP Staff Writers
Moscow (AFP) May 21, 2024

Russia on Tuesday said the United States was seeking to place weapons in space, the latest accusation in an ongoing row that comes a day after Washington vetoed a Russian non-proliferation motion at the United Nations.

"They have once again demonstrated that their true priorities in the area of outer space are aimed not at keeping space free from weapons of any kind, but at placing weapons in space and turning it into an arena for military confrontation," Russia's foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said in a statement.

The two superpowers have traded multiple accusations of seeking to weaponise space in recent months.

In February, Washington said it was concerned by an "anti-satellite capability that Russia has developed" after US media outlets reported that intelligence agencies had warned their allies that Russia could launch a nuclear weapon into orbit.

Moscow denied those accusations as "malicious" and "unfounded," saying it does not possess such systems.

Russia has since levelled similar charges at the United States.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov did not provide further details on Tuesday when asked if Moscow had specific information regarding US plans to deploy weapons in space, saying only that the country's intelligence agencies were monitoring the situation.

"Our special services are performing their work," he told reporters in a briefing.

The countries have proposed rival non-proliferation motions at the United Nations as part of the spat.

Russia vetoed the US initiative last month, while Moscow's proposal was blocked by the United States, Britain and France in a vote on Monday.

Moscow said the US initiative focused only on nuclear weapons and that Washington was not seriously interested in a complete ban on weapons in space.

The veto by the United States and its allies "spoke eloquently" about their priorities, Peskov said Tuesday.

US envoy Robert Wood said Russia's proposal, which called on all countries to "take urgent measures to prevent for all time the placement of weapons in outer space," was a distraction and accused Moscow of "diplomatic gaslighting."

Zakharova said Tuesday that Russia "will continue to make an unwavering contribution to keeping outer space free of weapons of any kind and preventing it from becoming another sphere of tension and armed confrontation."

Space is a rare area where the two countries still have a degree of cooperation despite a swathe of Western sanctions and dire relations amid Russia's offensive on Ukraine.

Both countries ferry each other's crew members to and from the International Space Station (ISS), where their astronauts are jointly stationed.

Russian bid to counter weapons in space fails at UN Security Council
United Nations, United States (AFP) May 20, 2024 - The UN Security Council on Monday rejected a Russian draft resolution to counter military activity in space, as countries questioned Moscow's sincerity after it vetoed an American text in April against nuclear proliferation in the final frontier.

The Russian text called on all states to "take urgent measures to prevent for all time the placement of weapons in outer space and the threat or use of force in outer space."

It received seven votes for -- including from China -- and seven against, including from the United States, United Kingdom and France, with Switzerland abstaining.

US envoy Robert Wood said the move was "the culmination of Russia's campaign of diplomatic gaslighting."

"Russia does not want the Security Council to focus on its dangerous actions in space," he said, citing US accusations that Moscow was attempting to put a nuclear weapon into orbit.

Russia's UN ambassador Vasily Nebenzya meanwhile said those on his side "on the whole are pleased with the results of the vote."

"The vote has demonstrated a watershed -- a watershed between those who are striving towards peaceful use of outer space and those who are moving towards militarization of outer space," he said.

"Western countries have today essentially turned out to be isolated at the Security Council."

The text closely followed a draft resolution proposed by the United States and Japan in late April, which received 13 votes for but was vetoed by Russia, with China abstaining.

UN Security Council proposals need nine votes in favor to be adopted, and no opposition from the five veto-wielding members.

The American text called on "all states, in particular those with major space capabilities, to contribute actively to the objective of the peaceful use of outer space and of the prevention of an arms race in outer space."

It affirmed "the obligation of all States Parties to fully comply with the Outer Space Treaty, including not to place in orbit around the Earth any objects carrying nuclear weapons or any other kinds of weapons of mass destruction."

Nebenzya claimed after the vote in April that the text hid a "devious plan by our Western colleagues that has nothing to do with this noble objective."

He charged that Washington and Tokyo had a "lack of interest" in banning all weapons from space, instead trying to put the focus solely on nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction.

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