“It was with great pride and considerable emotion that the teams from ArianeGroup, ESA and CNES delivered and installed the first Ariane 6 flight model on its launch pad. Seeing the new European launcher standing on the launch zone marks the completion of years of work in the design offices and production plants of ArianeGroup and all our industrial partners in Europe,” said Martin Sion, Chief Executive Officer of ArianeGroup. ”This event also signals the beginning of a new step of the first flight campaign, with all the challenges and complexities that this entails. The members of our Space Team Europe are bringing all their know-how and expertise to bear to ensure that the first flight will be a total success.”
“Here we are! The Ariane 6 programme is now entering its final stretch before the inaugural flight from the Europe’s Spaceport in French Guiana. European sovereignty of access to space is once again possible, thanks to the hard work of the ESA, ArianeGroup and CNES teams,” said Philippe Baptiste, Chief Executive Officer of France’s space agency CNES. ”I'd like to thank them and send them my best wishes for the final steps. Go Ariane 6!”