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  • 15th satnav summer school open for registrations

15th satnav summer school open for registrations

Written by  Friday, 09 February 2024 06:48
ESA-JRC summer school on GNSS 2023

Are you a researcher in the field of satellite navigation? Register now for this year’s ESA-JRC International Summer School on Global Navigation Satellite Systems, taking place in Slovenia in July, to learn from top-notch experts and expand your network.

Galileo satellites
Galileo satellites

ESA and the European Commission (EC) Joint Research Centre (JRC) join forces again to organise the 15th edition of the International Summer School on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). The event will take place in Novo Mesto, Slovenia, between 15 and 26 July. For more information and registration, visit https://www.esa-jrc-summerschool.org/.

The programme is open to graduate students, PhD candidates and postdoctoral researchers, as well as engineers and academics working in industry or agencies. The deadline for registrations is June 15th with a reduced fee for early applicants registered before April 15th. The ESA Education Office offers up to four scholarships.

The course will cover all aspects of GNSS, from the basics of satellite navigation to the future of positioning, navigation and timing services. World leading experts in the field will be lecturing, including ESA Director of Navigation Javier Benedicto, former ESA Director General Jean-Jacques Dordain and former ESA Director of Navigation Paul Verhoef. Participants will also work on hands-on practical exercises and lab experiments and participate in a student competition to develop an innovative idea, from business plan to technical realisation.

This summer school is possible thanks to ESA and JRC partners, including Stanford University, USA; Institut Supérieur de l’Aeronautique et de l’Espace in Toulouse, France; Oregon State University, USA; and University of the Bundeswehr in Munich, Germany.

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