Reaction oxygen

Then came the delicate part: a liquid oxygen test. Since this test can be dangerous if things go wrong, in December Phoebus was moved to the Rheinmetall military test site in Unterlüß, Germany – it is best equipped to handle a potential severe fire!
One of the biggest challenges with CFRP for fuel tanks is that carbon composite materials can be chemically very reactive with oxygen. As such, careful selection of the resins and fibre materials is required, whilst at the same time always keeping an eye on the potential leak-tightness of the selected resins and fibres.
“Phoebus is on a roll, the oxygen tank tests were a complete success, and the tank held it together perfectly – no fire, no explosion, I am a happy project manager.” says Kate, “Unfortunately the trials and tribulations for our little tank that can are not over yet. It has been shipped back to MT Aerospace where it will be pushed and pulled whilst also being pressurised, simulating the complex conditions of a launcher flight. And then after that the poor thing will be cut-up in the laboratory for detailed inspection.”