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Boost! graphic horizontal

Written by  Tuesday, 19 December 2023 08:03
Boost! graphic Image: Boost! graphic

Through Boost!, ESA provides a flexible programmatic framework to stimulate, encourage, and support the development, deployment, and use of new European commercial space transportation services under private leadership and responsibility. Boost! addresses this objective in a comprehensive manner, through the following programme elements:

  • Boost! 1: the service developments and early service demonstration, notably by means of co-funding
  • Boost! 2: the ESA expertise to Member States in supporting national space transportation objectives
  • Boost! 3: co-funding of space transportation services for in orbit demonstration and validation (IOD/IOV) missions

With its Boost! programme, ESA aims to boost commercial initiatives that offer space transportation services to space, in space, and returning from space.

To achieve this, ESA nurtures industrial entrepreneurship and stimulates growth and competitiveness within the privately led and funded space sector in Europe via Boost! – ESA's Commercial Space Transportation Services and Support programme.

This programme also supports ESA Member States in implementing national space transportation objectives in the field of spaceports, testing facilities and associated services.

More www.esa.int/boost

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