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Themis ground and flight models

Written by  Friday, 01 December 2023 14:41
Themis ground and flight models Image: Themis ground and flight models

Themis reuseable rocket stage demonstrator ground model (T1G, left) and the first flight model (T1H, right). A full-scale Themis functional ‘test bench’ in Vernon, France, is being used to put the Prometheus engine and Themis stage through their paces. Hot fire tests are regularly conducted at this test site, to analyse how the Prometheus engine behaves and gather data while staying securely in place and on the ground. The first Themis flight model is also being assembled and tested with engineers validating the various systems and ensuring all elements work well together.

Themis is an ESA rocket prototype – a flagship European demonstrator for low-cost rocket recovery and reuse technologies. Themis will be powered by the reusable, methane-fuelled engine Prometheus, named after the Greek mythological figure who stole fire from the gods and brought it to humans. Themis was the mother of Prometheus. Developed with ArianeGroup as prime contractor and building on decades of European research and experience in rocketry and space operations, Themis is designed to launch, land vertically and live on for another mission.

More about Themis at: www.esa.int/themis

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