Technologies and satellite systems developed by the space industry help our everyday lives on Earth. Satellite system contribute widely to well-known area such as Communication, Navigation and Search and Rescue. Nevertheless, space technologies can also serve other innovative purposes, one can mention as example health care improvement, multimodal transportation, water recovery, waste management, sports, risk management and other downstream applications. The commercialisation of space technologies and its applications need people with creative flair, vision and business acumen, skills that this workshop aims to develop.
Delivered by ESA specialists and external experts from start-ups and industry, participants will be exposed to the near-infinite possibilities of technology transfer and application in their essential role of innovation. There are many challenging opportunities for entrepreneurs willing to developing new products and services!
During the workshop, participating students will learn about different disciplines within the field of Technology Transfer, Application & Innovation, including patenting, entrepreneurship, and business incubation. This is not only a theoretical course however, as focus will be also given to practical experiences. Group assignments will see students taking a real ESA patent and brainstorming potential application ideas and developing a business model around it. At the end of the week, students will follow in the footsteps of real entrepreneurs by pitching their ideas.