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  • Cosmonauts to install equipment, check coolant leak on ISS during spacewalk

Cosmonauts to install equipment, check coolant leak on ISS during spacewalk

Written by  Thursday, 26 October 2023 07:08
Washington DC (UPI) Oct 25, 2023
Russian cosmonauts Oleg Kononenko and Nikolai Chub are scheduled to complete a spacewalk from the International Space Station Wednesday, according to NASA. The cosmonauts are scheduled to begin their spacewalk. which is expected to last about 7 hours, at 1:55 p.m. EDT. While on their spacewalk the cosmonauts will investigate a radiator leak on the Nauka multipurpose laboratory mo
Cosmonauts to install equipment, check coolant leak on ISS during spacewalk
by Patrick Hilsman
Washington DC (UPI) Oct 25, 2023

Russian cosmonauts Oleg Kononenko and Nikolai Chub are scheduled to complete a spacewalk from the International Space Station Wednesday, according to NASA.

The cosmonauts are scheduled to begin their spacewalk. which is expected to last about 7 hours, at 1:55 p.m. EDT.

While on their spacewalk the cosmonauts will investigate a radiator leak on the Nauka multipurpose laboratory module, which leaked coolant on Oct. 9.

Additionally, NASA says the cosmonauts "will venture outside of the station's Poisk module to install a synthetic radar communications system and release a nanosatellite to test solar sail technology."

When the coolant leak was discovered, the station's crew closed shudders on multiple modules to prevent coolant from gathering on the station's windows.

The radiator that leaked is 13 years old and was transferred from the Rassvet module by ISS crew members in April.

Oct. 10 was the third time Russian equipment has experienced a leak in under a year.

In December, a Soyuz capsule that was intended to transport crew members back to Earth began leaking. The leak caused crew members to extend their stay aboard the ISS by several months.

In February, a Russian Progress MS-21 cargo ship sprang a leak while it was docked with the ISS.

NASA will provide live coverage of the spacewalk starting at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday.

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