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NASA Tank Venting in Microgravity Challenge

Written by  Friday, 13 October 2023 03:13
Washington DC (SPX) Oct 13, 2023
As space travel extends to greater duration and distance, missions may require a propellant refill in space. To achieve this, spacecraft may require larger tanks and efficient refueling along with tanks that have the capability of isolating propellant from ullage fluid (a gas and vapor mixture) during a vent. The goal of this Challenge is to develop a novel solution for the venting of ulla
NASA Tank Venting in Microgravity Challenge
by Sarah Douglas for NASA News
Washington DC (SPX) Oct 13, 2023

As space travel extends to greater duration and distance, missions may require a propellant refill in space. To achieve this, spacecraft may require larger tanks and efficient refueling along with tanks that have the capability of isolating propellant from ullage fluid (a gas and vapor mixture) during a vent.

The goal of this Challenge is to develop a novel solution for the venting of ullage contents from a partially full propellant tank, in microgravity, with minimal loss of propellant. This ullage venting solution would help allow the adjustment of pressure in the receiving tank prior to, during, and/or after the liquid propellant transfer.

This Challenge is seeking solutions to propellant tank venting in micro-gravity with minimal loss of propellant. Although all concepts will be considered, solutions that are external to the propellant tank are preferred as they could use existing (heritage) propellant tanks and avoid development costs related to designing and qualifying a new (or modified) tank.

Award: $80,000 in total prizes

Open Date: October 11, 2023

Close Date: February 22, 2024

For more information, visit here

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