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How to make roads on the Moon

Written by  Thursday, 12 October 2023 14:01
Paved surfaces around a Moon base

When astronauts return to the lunar surface they are probably going to be doing more driving than walking – but to keep billowing moondust at bay they are going to need roads. An ESA project reported in today’s Nature Scientific Reports tested the creation of roadworthy surfaces by melting simulated moondust with a powerful laser.

Paved surfaces around a Moon base
Paved surfaces around a Moon base

The call was answered no less than 69 times. Of those, a total of 23 ideas have been implemented – based on an evaluation by a panel of ESA experts, who scored the ideas on their novelty.

“This initial call has been an effective investment from our point of view,” notes Advenit, “It has opened up multiple promising tracks for follow-up investigation.”

Read more about ESA's Terrae Novae exploration programme, leading Europe’s human journey into the Solar System, focused on the destinations of low-Earth orbit, the Moon and Mars.

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