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  • Vega’s PRETTY CubeSat: unlocking satnav for Earth data

Vega’s PRETTY CubeSat: unlocking satnav for Earth data

Written by  Thursday, 05 October 2023 13:10
PRETTY is testing 'slant' reflectometry

Our planet is being continuously bathed in radio signals from satnav satellites – which are useful for much more than just navigation. Dedicated space missions acquire these signal reflections to amass valuable environmental information. The shoebox-sized PRETTY CubeSat, flying on Europe’s next Vega launcher, will investigate a new frequency and novel observation angle to better measure the rate of climate change – at the same time as gathering radiation data on its surrounding space environment.

PRETTY team with CubeSat
PRETTY team with CubeSat

“Beyond Gravity worked with Manuel to develop the reflectometry processing core being flown on PRETTY through a previous ESA project,” says Andreas Dielacher, system engineer at the company.

“Next we looked for a flight opportunity – initially we hoped for the International Space Station or else to fit aboard the OPS-SAT CubeSat overseen by TU Graz. Then the success of OPS-SAT led us to consider a dedicated CubeSat mission. In fact PRETTY ended up as Beyond Gravity’s very first CubeSat.”

Intensive computation

CubeSats are small, cheap satellites built up from standardised 10-cm boxes, hosting all necessary systems as well as mission payloads. In PRETTY’s case, its processing core works in combination with the patch antennas and a software derived radio, offering added flexibility during the post-launch commissioning phase.

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