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Fitness tracker beyond Earth

Written by  Friday, 15 September 2023 05:50

One of the experiments during ESA astronaut Andreas Mogensen’s mission will track his health and body vital signs during his daily exercise in space.

Small size, big impact

A health tracker used on the Space Station
A health tracker used on the Space Station

SpaceWear is a device about the size of a watch that Andreas straps around his torso while exercising. It monitors a range of health indicators like the heart rate and its variability, respiratory rate, how the body is orientated and moves and the skin temperature. All of this at 1000 times a second and with a 10-hour battery life.

“There are already health monitors in use on the International Space Station, but what sets the SpaceWear monitor apart from these is the frequency and quality of the data that it measures. Along with a long battery life, we are looking forward to seeing how the SpaceWear monitor can help astronauts in their daily life on the Space Station,” says Thomas Andersen, CEO of Danish Aerospace Company that developed the device.

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