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  • India’s Chandrayaan-3 successfully lands on the Moon

India’s Chandrayaan-3 successfully lands on the Moon

Written by  Wednesday, 23 August 2023 08:39
Chandrayaan-3 landing header image

ESA’s deep space support to international partners

Estrack deep space stations infographic
Estrack deep space stations infographic

Many national space agencies operate deep space tracking stations that enable them to locate, track, command and receive telemetry and scientific data from their distant spacecraft.

But sometimes, particularly for deep space missions, operators need to track or command a spacecraft when it is outside the field of view of their own antennas, or to have a second ‘pair of eyes’ on their spacecraft during crucial moments.

Thanks to its global ‘Estrack’ network of ground stations, ESA can help its partners track, command and receive data from spacecraft almost anywhere in the Solar System via its ESOC mission operations centre in Darmstadt, Germany.

The Estrack network consists of ESA’s own ground stations, located across the globe, and ESA-coordinated support from third-party stations such as Goonhilly Earth Station Ltd.

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