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  • ESA ground stations support Chandrayaan-3 Moon mission

ESA ground stations support Chandrayaan-3 Moon mission

Written by  Thursday, 13 July 2023 12:00
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ESA supports ISRO's Chandrayaan Moon mission

ESA support to Chandrayaan-3

ESA's Malargüe tracking station
ESA's Malargüe tracking station

Communication is an essential part of every deep space mission. Ground stations on Earth keep operators safely connected to spacecraft as they venture into the unknowns and risks of space.

Without ground station support, it’s impossible to get any data from a spacecraft, to know how it’s doing, to know if it is safe or even to know where it is.

ISRO operates a 32-metre deep space tracking station in India that enables it to locate, track, command and receive telemetry and scientific data from its distant spacecraft.

But sometimes, ISRO’s operators need to track or command a spacecraft when it is outside the field of view of this antenna.

Building new giant antennas and control stations around the world is very expensive. So, like many space agencies and commercial companies across the globe, ISRO will receive support from the stations of partner organisations instead. Not only does this significantly reduces costs, but it also fosters international spaceflight collaboration.

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