Tuesday 23 May
09:30-10:30 – Opening Ceremony
Follow the action live from Oslo in Norway where the Global Space Conference on Climate Change 2023 is taking place. This year’s theme is ‘Fire and Ice – Space for Climate Action’ and the conference will gather senior representatives of the major space agencies across the globe, industries, governments, policy makers, academia and NGOs, as well as representatives of non-space sectors involved in the climate change debate.
11:00-12:00 – Plenary Part 1: Fire and ice – Current state and prospects for our home planet
The session will establish what we know about the current state of climate change, what we are doing and what we are not doing. Panelists will present the hard up to date facts, the global impact (societal and economic), as well as the different developing trends and scenarios, and will ultimately discuss how all of these aspects are connected to space and how can space support an even faster action.
16:30-17:20 – Addressing climate change measurement and impacts in the Tropics
This panel brings together leading scientists and scholars from space and development agencies and universities to discuss how space data can offer concrete solutions to tackle climate change risks in the Tropics.
Wednesday 24 May
11:00-11:50 – Carbon footprint of monitoring climate change from space
The intent of this session is to set up a roundtable with different actors of the space industry and agencies, in order to review which levers are already being addressed, both directly by industrials, but also at sectorial or agency levels, in order to mitigate the impact on climate change over the value chain. It will also be an opportunity to highlight the recent signature of the "joint statement for a responsible space sector" under the lead of ESA, and especially focusing on the work of the 'decarbonisation working group' with all the key players of the space sector in order to define common targets and roadmaps.
14:20-15:20 – Progress on measuring critical climate variables – and what more needs to be done
The session will feature Earth observation leaders from around the globe discussing progress to date and critical needs for the future. The first half of the session will focus on the progress across agencies in understanding our climate enabled by the power of partnerships over the last 20 years.
The second half of the session will look forward to identifying the next critical actions space agencies must take, based on needs of humanity and the unique capabilities offered by space. Throughout the session, speakers will focus their discussion on the urgent science questions before us and the ways we can make the answers most useful to decision-makers who increasingly need this information.
15:50-18:20 – Saving our future on Earth through our presence in space: A generational exchange on the role of space in the fight against climate change
This session will feature a result-oriented generational exchange on the role of space in the fight against climate change.
Thursday 25 May
09:30-10:30 – Planning for a future with a changing climate
This panel brings together leading scientists and science advisors from space agencies around the world to discuss the climate challenges of today, advancements in research and technology, and understanding and solutions to help people plan for the future in a changing climate.
11:00-11:50 – Polycrisis linked to climate change: from shortages to socio-economic impacts on future generations
This panel aims to address the responsibility of several civil actors towards future generations, looking at the effects of climate change from different angles.